Стоматология (ВМ087)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
PN 3306 Dentistry Екінші курс 3 90 1 1.5 -
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Орыс тілі, Қазақ тілі
Konys Nurbala

The purpose of the course is to teach the classification of periodontal diseases, taking into account the anatomy and physiology of periodontal tissues. Studies the features of a comprehensive examination of a patient with periodontal pathology, methods of index evaluation of the periodontal condition, work on cleaning teeth, treatment in the oral cavity, classification, clinic, clarification, pathological anatomy and treatment of gingivitis.

Periodontal disease and oral mucosa.
Fundamentals of therapeutic dentistry.
oral analysis, problem solving, completing assignments and exercises, consolidating practical skills: performing practical work included in the curriculum, effective feedback on mastering competencies, MCQ, PAL, SAQ, SGL, TaskBL - an appropriate teaching method is selected for the specifics of the discipline.
11- Teach the classification of periodontal diseases, taking into account the anatomy and physiology of periodontal tissues. Possess the skills of developing a healthy lifestyle and preventing dental diseases
22- Study the features of a comprehensive examination of a patient with periodontal pathology, methods of index assessment of periodontal condition. Learn ways to prevent oral diseases.
33-Perform dental cleanings specialized in the oral cavity. Demonstrate clear, effective professional communication with patients.
44-Classification, clinic, clarification, pathological anatomy and treatment of gingivitis. Possess the skills of developing a healthy lifestyle, learn ways to prevent oral diseases.
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Anatomical and physiological structure of periodontium.Тәжірибелік
2Peculiarities of examining patients with periodontal diseasesТәжірибелік
3Methods of checking periodontal diseases using the index system. Additional methods of checking periodontal diseasesТәжірибелік
4Periodontal diseases. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification of periodontal diseases.Тәжірибелік
5Acute catarrhal inflammation of measles. Clinic. DiagnosisТәжірибелік
6Acute inflammation of measles. (hypertrophic gingivitis) Clinic. DiagnosisТәжірибелік
7Ulcerative inflammation of measles. Clinic. DiagnosisТәжірибелік
8Periodontitis. Clinic. Diagnosis. Treatment.Тәжірибелік
9Periodontitis. Clinic. Diagnosis.Тәжірибелік
10Idiopathic periodontal diseases. Diagnostics. ClinicТәжірибелік
11Periodontomas. Clinic. DiagnosisТәжірибелік
12Endogenous prevention of periodontal diseasesТәжірибелік
13Prevention of periodontal diseasesТәжірибелік
14Methods of treatment of periodontal diseases. Medical treatment, types of surgical treatment.Тәжірибелік
15Orthopedic and physiotherapy treatment tours.Тәжірибелік
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
1. Terapötik stomatoloji.Ağız boşluğunun mukoza hastalıkları. Bölüm 3. 2016. baskı. GM Barer, 2. Periodontoloji: Eğitim aracı. M. A. Iskendirov. - Türkistan: Turan, 2018 Diş hekimleri için Kazakça-Rusça tıp sözlüğü. 2015 I. A. Kulmanbetov E-kitaplar: Terapötik stomatoloji Cilt III. Almatı, 2020.