Математика (Жаратылыстану ғылымдары)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
KT 3291 Жан-жақты талдау Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі
K.J. Nazarova

In teaching the course, it is important to get acquainted with the fundamental ways of studying complex variables. These approaches are based on the analysis of infinitesimal values and the use of the properties of the field of complex numbers. In this subject, students learn methods of studying complex variable functions. Students understand the theoretical and practical foundations of understanding the various methods of using complex variable functions for the study of mathematical objects, and practice the methods of making decisions based on mathematical modeling in the study of ideas and problems.

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, situational questions.

1-Uses the rules, laws and methods of mathematics to solve problems of different areas of mathematics (ОН5);
2-Uses the theoretical knowledge acquired in basic mathematics in describing processes and phenomena in various fields of mathematics (ОН6);
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Moivre's formula Finding the root of a complex number Type of computer number indicator Logarithm comp.презентация
2Complex variable function. Limit and continuity of complex variable function.презентация
3Differentiation of complex variable functions Cauchy-Riemann conditions. Analytical function. Differential. The geometric meaning of the product. Concept of conformal representationЖазбаша
4Complex numbers and applying operations to them. Set of complex numbers and its geom. Interpretation. Algebraic form of a complex number. Operations on complex numbers. The modulus of a complex number. Argument of a complex number. Compl. number trigonometer. type.Жазбаша
5Concept of analytic function. Simple properties of analytic functions. Relationship between analytic and harmonic functionsЖазбаша
6Linear and linear-partial functions Power function. Concept of Riemann surfaceпрезентация
7The corset is not a logarithmic function. Zhalpy turdegi dәrezhelіk function. Trigon. functionlarпрезентация
8Integration of a complex variable function. Definition, properties and calculation rules of integration.презентация
9Integral of analytical functions. Cauchy's theorem for a connected domain. Independence of the integral from the path of integrationпрезентация
10Higher order derivatives of analytic function.Жазбаша
11Degree series in the complex region. Taylor series. Classification of functions into degree series.презентация
12Laurent seriesЖазбаша
13Zeros of the analytic function. Special points. Pole. Special secluded spots. Fixed points.Жазбаша
14Residue of a function at a singular point Calculation of the residualпрезентация
15Calculating integrals using the derivative. Calculation of improper integralsпрезентация
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
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