Стоматология (ВМ087)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
DOTMTAJ 43156 Ауыз, тіс және жақ аурулары Үшінші курс 5 150 15 45 -
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Орыс тілі, Қазақ тілі
Ерназарова Б.А

The subject studies odontogenic and non -odontogenic inflammatory diseases, specific diseases, traumas of the teeth, upper and lower jaw, diseases of the temporomandibular joints, development, clinical course, treatment features in children and adolescents, based on scientific data.During the course, students using ethical principles master the practical skills of diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases.

Module – Maxillofacial Surgery, Maxillofacial Prosthesis,Pediatric Dentistry 2.

Dental Anesthesia,Pediatric Dentistry 1.

oral analysis, implementation of situational tasks, consolidation of practical skills: implementation of practical work included in the curriculum, effective feedback on the acquisition of competencies, MCQ, PAL, SAQ, SGL, TaskBL.

1Understands the anatomical and physiological features of the maxillofacial region in children. 2. Forms knowledge about the stages of development and clinical signs of odontogenic and non-odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region in children.
2Uses the knowledge gained in drawing up a diagnostic and treatment plan, features of the clinical course of odontogenic and non-odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area in children. 4. Learn to demonstrate skills in using modern technologies and equipment in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the maxillofacial area in children in a simulated situation.
3Understands the importance of compliance with professional activities and ethical principles, compliance with anti-corruption principles.
4Knows the need to evaluate and implement evidence-based treatment principles when providing care for oral and dental diseases in children.
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the maxillofacial region in children. Features of the clinical course of the inflammatory process, clinical picture. Odontogen inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region in children. Classification. Etiology, pathogenesis. Features of the clinical course of the disease in children.
2Osteomyelitis of the jaws in children. Classification. Acute and chronic osteomyelitis. Clinic. Features of the clinical course. Diagnostics. Hematogenous osteomyelitis in children.
3Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region in children. Furuncle and carbuncle. Anthrax.
4Lymphadenitis and adenophlegmon. Etiology, pathogenesis. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostics.
5Causes of injuries to the maxillofacial region in children. Prevention. Dental injuries.
6Injuries to the jaws and soft tissues of the maxillofacial region in children. Causes of injuries to the maxillofacial region in children. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment.
7Features of the anatomical structure of the salivary glands in children. Functions. Classification of diseases of the salivary glands. Acute mumps. Chronic parenchymal mumps.
8Methods of examination. Acute viral sialodenitis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnostics.Treatment.
9Acute bacterial sialodenitis. Acute mumps. Chronic parenchymal mumps.Etiology, pathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnostics.Treatment.
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
11. Operative maxillofacial surgery and dentistry. Textbook 2014. Edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.A. Kozlov, Prof. I.I. Kagan. Geotar-media 2. Dentistry. Textbook. Afanasyeva V.V. 2018 3. Diseases of the temporomandibular joint. Textbook. 2022 Ibragimova R.S. 4. Surgical dentistry Textbook. S.In 2021 Tarasenko 5. Surgical dentistry. Textbook. 2019 Under the general editorship of Professor V.V. Afanasyev 6. Odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity Study guide. 2017. E.A. Bazikyan