Математика (Жаратылыстану ғылымдары)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
AZhK 1247 Академиялық жазуға кіріспе Үшінші курс 3 90 2 1
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі
Х. Тұрметов

The discipline forms the skills and abilities necessary for the optimal writing of academic papers of various categories (essay, report, etc). The discipline explains to students the genre, grammatical, stylistic and punctuation features of written speech, teaches unmistakable methods of writing academic written works. Forms skills in using world databases and online systems of scientific journals in the development of academic records

Team work, work in pair, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, developmental learning method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creativity learning methods, case study method, group project work method, problem work method, modular learning technology.

For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the implementation of specialized adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed by the subject teacher.

1applies historical knowledge, social, business, cultural, philosophical and ethical values and norms of the Kazakh society (LO3).
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Types of academic scientific written works. Style of academic texts.презентация
2Structure of the academic text.презентация
3Organization of recording of EPS, EPS (essay, report, etc.)Жазбаша
4Search for materials on the topic. Literature reviewпрезентация
5Plagiarism and academic integrityпрезентация
6Academic text design. Using the Mathtype tool in writing mathematical formulas.презентация
7The role and importance of academic writing. Academic texts.Жазбаша
8Using the MS Office and Equation tool in writing academic texts.презентация
9Using the Power point, Canva tool in presentation design, graphic design.Жазбаша
10The use of Information Systems in the organization of academic scientific records.презентация
11Formation of the concept of a scientific projectпрезентация
12Methodology for writing a scientific project.Жазбаша
13The preparatory stage of writing the study.презентация
14Methodology for the implementation of abstract and term papersпрезентация
15Methodology for the implementation of abstract and term papers Organization of registrationЖазбаша
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
11. Matematıkany oqytýdyń teorıasy men ádistemesi: dıdaktıkalyq ádistemelik negizderi. Ábilqasymova A.E. Almaty, 2014.-224b.
22. Pedagogıkany sıfrlyq dáýirde qaıta zerdeleý. HHI ǵasyrdaǵy oqytý dızaıny. 2-bas. / Red. alqanyń tór-sy: Tájın M.M. ; Aýd-shy: Omarova S.K. - Almaty : Ulttyq aýdarma búrosy, 2019. - 328 s
33. Teorıa ı metodıka obýchenıa matematıke: dıdaktıko-metodıcheskıe osnovy. Ýchebnoe posobıe. / A. E. Abylkasymova. - Almaty : Mektep, 2014. - 224 s.
44. Metodıcheskıe osnovy obýchenıa reshenıý matematıcheskıh zadach v shkole. Ýchebnoe posobıe. / A. E. Abylkasymova, E. A. Týıakov, L.D.Jýmalıeva, J. M. Nýrmýhamedova. - Almaty, 2018. - 248 s.
55. Istorıa stanovlenıa ı razvıtıe metodıkı prepodavanıa matematıkı v Kazahstane. Ýchebnoe posobıe / A. E. Abylkasymova, B. M. Kosanov. - Almaty : Mektep, 2020. - 332 s.