Стоматология (ВМ087)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
ASW 4262 Академиялық Ғылыми Жазу төртінші курс 3 90 15 15 -
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі
Маmyrbekova Aizhan, Tuleshova Elmira

The discipline is concerned with concerns with the correct collection and use of academic records, as well as the requirements for the structure, substance, and design of the text in the professional activities of doctors and researchers. The student will learn how to employ academic writing abilities to publish research results in the form of abstracts, review articles, reports, presentations, and reports over the course.  

Master's Project І, ІІ

Introduction to scientific research,  Мodule – Epidemiology and biostatistics


Lecture:   reports,   exchange opinions.

Practical lesson: SGL - small group learning, work in pair, learning and study, blitz questions, group project work method, mini-research method, case study method, PAL - peer-assisted learning. Individual work of students with a teacher (IWST): in-depth study of the issues discussed in previous practical classes, teacher consultation on topics for self-study and emerging issues.

Individual work of students (IWS): independent study of these topics performed in the form of practice, work with computer models and programs, preparation of presentations and abstracts, work in small groups, work with additional literature, preparation and defense of scientific abstracts.

The form of control and the amount of time for students with disabilities, the criteria for evaluating learning outcomes can be changed by the teacher of the discipline.

1RTD 1 - organizes work with the text, including the search for necessary information in reference, international rating databases, information from specialized literature and computer networks.
2RTD 2 – prepares the scientific and methodological apparatus of research in accordance with scientific ethics, comparing any types of scientific research in the field of healthcare within the framework of the discipline «Academic scientific writing».
3RTD 3 – able to correctly perform search work with Scopus, WoS, PubMed databases and Mendeley, Publons, Google Scholar web platforms, comply with the principles of academic integrity and the requirements of scientific ethics.
4RTD 4 - compiles articles, dissertations and research thesis and annotations, implements research work in accordance with the content of the study and the rules of academic writing.
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Module 1. Features of academic scientific writing Practical lesson The meaning and features of academic writing. Macro- and micro-levels development of academic text.
2Practical lesson The main genres of academic writing and their structure. The need for interdisciplinary research in the field of healthcare.
3Practical lesson Preparation of a research program. Fundamentals of Academic Integrity and Scientific ethics: ways to avoid plagiarism.
4Practical lesson Subject and information and digital literacy of the researcher. The culture of writing scientific work and academic writing style.
5Module 2. Studying the structure of scientific publications and databases. Practical lesson Models of structuring the main text of a scientific article. The IMRAD methodology.
6Practical lesson Selection of journals recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Republic of Kazakhstan. Google Scholar, electronic catalogs. Registration of an ORCID.
7Practical lesson Requirements for publications included in international scientific databases (Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, PubMed, etc.).
8Practical lesson Approaches to the definition of the research theme. Determining the relevance of the research theme.
9Practical lesson Literature review: search for and ways to work with scientific publications registered in international and national databases.
10Practical lesson Features of writing an annotation. The importance of defining keywords according to the topic.
11Practical lesson The main sections of writing a scientific paper. Description of the problem associated with the creation of a research or scientific context. Formulation of the research goal.
12Practical lesson Description of research materials and methods. Formulation of the research results.
13Practical lesson Analysis of the research results and the specifics of writing conclusions of scientific work.
14Practical lesson The products of international scientific databases and the design of the list of used sources in accordance with the bibliographic GOST standards.
15Practical lesson The methodology implementation of dissertation works and projects. The procedure for registration, defense and reports of dissertations and projects.
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