Математика (Жаратылыстану ғылымдары)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
АG1266 Аналитикалық геометрия Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі
Usmanov Kairat

The discipline allows students to master the methods of vector algebra and coordinate systems when studying geometry objects. In the course of studying the course, students learn to write down the products of vectors, their properties, the equations of a straight line in a plane and in space, as well as the equation of a plane. It is practiced to solve some problems of the scientific and applied direction of mathematics using elements of analytical geometry. Solves fundamental mathematical problems of an applied nature, using modern information programs using methods of analytical geometry,

Team work, critical thinking, brainstorming,

     The teacher of the subject can change the teaching methods, forms, type of supervision and amount of time of introduction of specialized adaptation subjects (modules) for students with disabilities in cooperation with structural departments.

1-Uses the rules, laws and methods of mathematics to solve problems in various areas of mathematics (LO 5);
2-Uses classical methods of mathematics in solving fundamental and applied problems. (LO7);
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Coordinate axis. Basic equilibrium of analytic geometry.Жазбаша
2Vertical Cartesian and polar coordinate systems in the plane. Simple problems of analytic geometry in the plane.Жазбаша
3Vertical Cartesian, spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems in space.Жазбаша
4Vector concept. Linear operations applied to vectorsЖазбаша
5Scalar product of vectors. Expression of scalar product using coordinates.Жазбаша
6Vector product of vectors. Expression of vector multiplication using coordinates.Жазбаша
7Mixed product of vectors. Expression of mixed product using coordinates.презентация
8Ways of transfer of a straight line in a plane.презентация
9The point of intersection of two lines. Angle between two lines. The condition of parallelism and perpendicularity of lines.Жазбаша
10The normal equation of the line. Normalizing multiplier. Distance from a point to a line.Жазбаша
11Canonical equation of ellipse. Study the shape of the ellipse.презентация
12Canonical equation of hyperbola. Study the shape of the hyperbola.презентация
13The canonical equation of the parabola. Study the shape of the parabola.презентация
14The equation of a plane and a straight line in space. Their location.презентация
15Normal equation of the plane. Distance from point to planeпрезентация
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
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2Askanbayeva, G.B., Berkimbay, R.A. Analitik Geometri. Sorunların toplanması: Çalışma aracı. / Ö. Sultangazin'in adını taşıyan Kostanay Devlet Pedagoji Üniversitesi. - Kostanay: KMPU, 2019. - 148 s. RMEB
3B. T. Sarsenov, J. S. Yerkisheva. Doğrusal cebir ve analitik geometri - Türkistan, 2016.
4M.A. Sultanov, G.B. Bakanov, A.S. Berdyshev. Cebir ve geometri problemlerini çözme. / Eğitim aracı. Çimkent 2020
5Berdenova G.J., Mutalip S. Analitik geometri: Eğitimsel ve metodolojik araç. - Kostanay: KSU, A. Baitursynov'un adını almıştır, 2017. - 224p. http://www.rmeb rk.kz/
6Kolekeev K.D., Nurullaev A. N., Marasulov A., Kuatbekov B.N., Muzdybekova S. T. Yüksek Matematik: Grafik Cebirin Unsurları. Determinantlar ve matrisler. Eğitimsel ve metodolojik araç. K. A. Yesevi Uluslararası Kazak-Türk Üniversitesi, 2014.
7E.M. Karchevsky, M.M. Karchevsky. Doğrusal cebir ve analitik geometri üzerine dersler. Ders Kitabı.– St. Petersburg: Lan, 2018.
8G.J. Berdenova, E.Z. Zharlygasova. Analitik geometri ve doğrusal cebir: Çalışma programı. Kostanay: KSU im. A. Baitursynova, 2017. - 146c.
9Analitik geometri ve doğrusal cebir: eğitimsel ve metodolojik kompleks. - Petropavlovsk: SKGU im. M. Kozybaeva, 2012. - 100c