Математика (Жаратылыстану ғылымдары)
Сабақтың коды Курс аты Сынып Академиялық кредит Cағат Апталық сабақ сағаттары (лекция) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (практика) Апталық сабақ сағаттары (зертханалық)
А1283 Интегралдық теңдеулер төртінші курс 5 150 1 2
Пәннің сипаттамасы
Ағылшын тілі

During the teaching course, students are introduced to the main problems of the theory of integral equations and methods of solving them in order to teach them to use their knowledge in solving specific problems on this topic. During the course, students should be able to explain the basic concepts of the theory of integral equations of Volterra and Fredholm, develop the ability to understand the formulations and proofs of basic theorems, master the basic methods of solving integral equations.

Apply the theoretical knowledge gained in fundamental mathematics to the description of processes and phenomena in various fields of mathematics (LO6);

1Apply the theoretical knowledge gained in fundamental mathematics to the description of processes and phenomena in various fields of mathematics (LO6);
2-Solves the problem, correctly setting the performances of classical problems of fundamental mathematics;(LO 9);
3Uses theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods in the study of problems in various areas of mathematics;
Haftalık KonuБағалау әдісі
1Polynomials and operations on them.Жазбаша
2Dividers. The greatest common denominator. Euclidean algorithm.презентация
3Roots of polynomials. Horner schemeЖазбаша
4The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and its Consequences.презентация
5Canonicalization of the quadratic form.Жазбаша
6The law of inertia.презентация
7Positively defined forms.Жазбаша
8Methods of solving equations of the third and fourth degreeпрезентация
9Methods of determining the boundary and number of real roots of a polynomialпрезентация
10Simple problems that can be reduced to parabolic equations. Filing of margin report. Fundamental solution of heat conduction equation.презентация
11Solving the Cauchy problem for the heat conduction equation. Poisson formula. Theorems about the stability and estimation of the solution of the Cauchy problemЖазбаша
12Method of separation of variables. Uniform marginal calculus.презентация
13Concept of Euclidean spaceпрезентация
14Symmetric transformation.Жазбаша
15Orthogonal matrices. Orthogonal transformationЖазбаша
Пәннің оқу нәтижелерімен байланысы
Оқулық / Материал / Ұсынылатын ресурстар
1Kulekeev K.D., Nazarova K.J. İntegral denklemler. Türkistan, 2015
2Kulekeev K.D., Nazarova K.J. Özel fonksiyonlar. Türkistan, 2019
3Krasnov Milletvekili. İntegral denklemler, M. 1975.
4Lizorkin P.I. Diferansiyel ve integral denklemler dersi. M.1981.
5Michlin S.G. Lineer integral denklemler üzerine dersler, M. 1959.
6Petrovsky I.T. İntegral denklemler teorisi üzerine ders. M, 1965
7yüksek lisans Krasnov, A.I. Kiselev, G.I. Makarenko. İntegral denklemler.
8Smirnov V.I. İleri matematik dersi M. Cilt 4, 1975.
9Trikomi F. İntegral denklemler M., 1960.
10Orynbasarov M., Sahaev Sh. Doğrusal integral denklemler. A., 1994.