Public Health
Program Code Number of Credits Education time
8D10111 190 3
Program Descriptions

Training highly qualified specialists in the field of public health with professional competencies in the field of modern medicine with the skills to organize and conduct research and professional activities aimed at coordinating the educational process that meets international competitive requirements.

The education program regulates goals, results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of the graduate’s training in this area of training, and includes materials that ensure the quality of training for students and implementation of appropriate educational technology.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of  Educational Program 8D10111-Public Health

- public health policy;

- health economics,

- sociology and psychology of health,

- public administration of the healthcare system and ensuring public health,

- management in the field of public health and practical work in governmental, local and non-governmental organizations.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program \"Public Health\":

- organizations of higher and postgraduate education;

- scientific organizations;

- health management bodies, health care organizations and social security.

- administrative and managerial (specialists of healthcare management bodies and employees of the administrative department of healthcare organizations);

- research (employees of scientific organizations); - analytical (employees of information and analytical centers);

 - expert advisory (experts, consultants of healthcare and social security organizations).

- pedagogical (teachers of organizations of higher and postgraduate education);

- research (employees of scientific organizations);

- administrative management (specialists of healthcare management bodies and administrative and managerial employees of healthcare organizations).

1- uses information from international scientific databases to write research papers, applying the principles of academic integrity within the framework of scientific ethics
2- is able to use modern research methods and skills used in a professional environment in research work, demonstrating a systematic understanding of their features
3- develops and defends scientific works, offering principles based on research results, defining goals and objectives in the direction of research
4- using meta-analysis, he summarizes the results of empirical research and examines the strengths and weaknesses of meta-analysis
5- is able to assess health needs by developing protocols using epidemiological and statistical skills
6- he is able to identify groups of the population at risk for health, their health needs and desires and to develop a forecast of the relationship between the material environment and the health of the population
7- he is able to model and predict the impact of the introduction of new services, technologies and measures on the promotion of public health and the work of public health organizations and social services through organizational, managerial and financial analysis of health strategies and policies
8- is able to develop, manage and evaluate health promotion and community development strategies for a particular community, identifying health problems at different levels of social and political organizations
9- is able to determine the ethical aspects of specific interventions, strategies and policies of public health, through the implementation of ethical principles in the course of professional activity
1. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
GZASS 7202 Scientific research methods Kazakh 5 2 1 0
PZK7303 Introduction to PhD research Kazakh 5 3 0 0
ZE 7302 Research Ethics Kazakh 5 3 0 0
ZhM 7217 Project management Kazakh 5 3 0 0
АН 7201 Academic letter Kazakh 5 2 1 0
ІІІ. семестр
Lesson Code Course Name Languages in which the course is offered Credit Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MKKSBU 8307 Organization Of Quality Management Of Medical Care Kazakh 2 2 0 0
ZKD 8307 Professional Skills Of A Researcher Kazakh 8 5 0 0