Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Zoo 2203 Zoology II Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor K.K.Baitursynov

to form assessment skills and characterize the place of animals in the modern zoological system.



presentation, conversation, discussion, working with small groups, problematic issues and interactive methods.

Methods, forms of training, form of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for students with disabilities, disciplines can be changed by the teacher together with structural units.

1solves issues in the field of personal, cultural and professional communication; - builds programs for successful academic, professional and social communication in the state and foreign languages.
2masters anatomical, morphological, and physiological methods of studying biological objects; - performs fixation, collecting, and phenological control of objects.
3develops research forecasts, conducts experiments using techniques and builds research skills ; - formulates the scientific foundations of biology and uses innovative technologies in the study of objects.
4has in-depth knowledge of biological objects; - evaluates the patterns of processes and phenomena, demonstrates the ability to apply in practice
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The type of chordates. The subtype is jawless, larval chordates and their general characteristics. Systematics, structural features, distribution and economic significance of representatives of the class of roundworms The seminar Jawless. The external and internal structure of the round-mouth.Жазбаша
2General characteristics of cartilaginous fish. Detachment, distribution, ecology of sharks and rays. The seminar The internal structure of cartilaginous fishЖазбаша
3Bony fish. Internal and external structure, systematics of bony fish.Жазбаша
4Ecology of fish. Habitat and ecological groups of fish, species and causes of migration.Жазбаша
5A comparative anatomical review of the structure of amphibians. Systematics, features of reproduction and behavior of amphibiansЖазбаша
6The origin of amphibians the importance of amphibians in the biocenosis and human lifeЖазбаша
7Reptilian features of structure, taxonomyЖазбаша
8The origin and evolution of reptiles, causes of extinction, ecology and distribution, importance in the ecosystem and human life.Жазбаша
9Morphological and physiological features, taxonomy of birds.Жазбаша
10Features of the structure, behavior, and distribution of birds. The origin of birds. Generic forms of birds.Жазбаша
11Geographical and ecological distributions of birds and adaptation features of various ecological groups, causes, nature and ways of return of birds.Жазбаша
12Features of the external and internal structure of mammals .Жазбаша
13Characteristics, biology and geographical features, distribution, significance of the main orders of mammals belonging to the class of primitive animals.Жазбаша
14Periodic phenomena in the life of mammals; adaptability to survival in adverse conditions, origin and ecology.Жазбаша
15The Red Book. The role of nature reserves in the protection and restoration of mammals and their protection.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Зоология : екі бөлімді оқулық.Омыртқалылар зоологиясы.2-бөлім. / Б. Е. Есжанов. - Алматы, 2019
22.Методическое руководство по проведению учебно-полевой практики по дисципление Зоология. / Б. Е. Есжанов. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2019
33.Методическое руководство по проведению учебно-полевой практики по дисципление Зоология. / Б. Е. Есжанов. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2019
44.Почвенная зоология. Курс лекций: Учебное пособие. - Костанай: КГПИ, 2016. Брагина, Т.М.