Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ZhTB 4335 General Linguistics төртінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Chakanova S.Zh.

The purpose of the discipline: to form knowledge about the essence and functions of the language, its systemic nature and hierarchical structure.  .
The discipline is aimed at studying the problems of the theory and methodology of linguistics, the relationship of language, consciousness, culture, ethnicity. As a result of studying the discipline, students will be able to interpret modern linguistic knowledge from the standpoint of the science of language, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the text as an object of linguistic research.



1. Oral (conversation, discussion),
2. Work in pairs,
3. Blitz questions,
4. Case studies,
5. Methods of developmental learning,
6. Methods of creative learning,
7. Use of IT technology
8. Group work,
9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essays),
10. Glossary,
11. Presentation,
12. Business games,
13. Associogram,
14. Bibliography,
15. Test,
16. Written method.
17. For students with disabilities together with structural units, the teacher can change the methods, forms, type of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialised adaptation disciplines (modules).

1knowledgeable about the theory and methodology of emerging linguistics;
2is able to explain general linguistic facts from the standpoint of the historical development of the language;
3interprets modern linguistic knowledge from the standpoint of the science of language;
4is able to explain the norms of modern literary language and systematically evaluate linguistic phenomena;
5is able to give a holistic view of world linguistics, presenting the main directions in linguistics, introducing students to outstanding linguists, their contribution to world science;
6exercises skills and abilities within the framework of general linguistics and linguistic science;
7is able to explain the integrative nature of general linguistics, the socio-historical conditionality of language development.
8applies knowledge about the periodization of linguistic teachings and the evolution of the methodological foundations of Russian studies in practice, identifies similarities and differences at all levels of the compared language systems; uses modern linguistic methods and techniques in scientific research of language and speech
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1History of linguistics. Linguistics of ancient classical antiquity
2The main stages of the history of linguistics. Philological science of the ancient world. Linguistics of the Middle Ages.
3The emergence of comparative historical linguistics.
4Linguistics of the late X1X of the early twentieth century.
5The linguistic concept of F. de Saussure
6The emergence and development of structuralism.
7American direction of structural Linguistics (descriptive linguistics).
8Russian linguistics, the evolution of the methodological foundations of Russian studies.
9Linguistics of the second half of the XX century.
10Language, speech and speech activity.
11The symbolic nature of language. Language and thinking.
12Language as a concrete historical category
13Language as a system. The social nature of language.
14Methods and techniques of language learning and description.
15Comparative genetic method.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1. A.A. Shuneyko. I.A. Avdeenko. Fundamentals of linguistics. Study guide. Moscow, Yurayt., 2023
2. Alpatov V. Linguistics. From Aristotle to computational linguistics..Alpina non-fiction. 2022
3Oshakbayeva Zh.B. Questions of general linguistics.Turkestan, 2015.
44. Islamova E.A., Bolgarova R.M. General linguistics. Kazan, 2016.
55. Lapunova. O.V. General linguistics. 2014.