Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
YE 4342 Foreign Literature III төртінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Oshakbayeva Zh.B.

The course of world literature of the X1X -XX century gives an idea of the world literary process, the interaction of literatures of different countries and peoples, as well as the acquisition of knowledge about the literary process of foreign literature of the twentieth century, its directions, trends and features of aesthetics, continuity and connection with previous literary processes.

Foreign Literature 4

The History of Foreign Literature II

1. Oral (conversation, discussion),

2. Working in pairs,

3. Blitz questions,

4. Case study,

5. Methods of developing learning,

6. Methods of creative learning,

7. Using IT technology

8. Group work,

9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essay),

10. Glossary,

11. Presentation,

12. Business games,

13. Associogram,

14. Bibliography,

15. Test,

16. The written method.

17. For students with disabilities, together with structural units, the teacher can change the methods, forms, type of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules).

1is able to tell the content of works and texts of foreign and world literature in order to improve the quality of speech culture;
2has a culture of thinking, correctly expresses his thoughts in written and oral form, fully expresses his thoughts;
3solves the assigned tasks in accordance with the situation.
4knows historical events and features of periods of foreign literature, the relationship of literature, history and culture;
5has its own scientific view of interpreting works of foreign literature, is capable of perception, analysis and generalization of information on the history of foreign literature, independently makes decisions and uses them in practice.
6is able to apply the acquired knowledge in the field of philological analysis and interpretation of the text in his own research activities and is able to teach this.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1French romanticism. The work of V.Hugo. Creativity of F. Chateaubriand.
2German romanticism. Creativity of E.T.A. Hoffman, F. Schelling, F. Schlegel.
3English romanticism. 'Lake School'. The work of S.T. Coleridge. P.B. Shelley. J. G. Byron. V. Scott.
4French realism. Creativity of F. Stendhal, O. Balzac, P. Merime, G. Flaubert, S. Baudelaire.
5English realism. Ch. Dickens. U.Thackeray.
6Немецкий реализм. Творчество Дж. Гейне. Ф.Гебель.
7American literature 1850-1860 . The works of J. F. Cooper, E. Poe, G.W. Longfellow, G. Melville, W. Whitman.
8French poetry of the early 20th century . Emile Zola is one of the founders of naturalism: positivism and the aesthetics of naturalism. Guy de Maupassant. The ideological and artistic originality of the short stories about the Franco-Prussian War.
9Anatole France.. The anticlerical novel 'Thais'. Romain Rolland. Realism and romanticism in the writer's work. Marcel Proust. Formation of Proust's aesthetics under the influence of Impressionism and D. Ruskin. Henri Barbusse.The imperialist struggle in the novel 'Fire'.
10Francois Mauriac. Social and ethical problems in family novels. Hervé Bazin. The genre of the psychological novel is family and moral and ethical problems in the novel 'The Snake in the Fist'. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The pathos of life and courage in the book 'Planet of People'.
11Existentialism in literature. The New Novel and its significance in the literature of post-war France. F.Sagan.
121. Literature of Great Britain. The development of realistic traditions in the works of B. Shaw, D. Galsworthy, G. Wells. Creation. O. Wilde. D. G. Lawrence, Aldous Huxley.
13E. Hemingway. T. Wolf. R.Warren. D. Salinger. William Styron.
14Literature of Germany.The works of T. Mann, G.Mann, E. M. Remarque, L. Feuchtwanger, B. Brecht.
15Literature of Germany.The works of T. Mann, G.Mann, E. M. Remarque, L. Feuchtwanger, B. Brecht.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Foreign literature of the late XIX - early XX century. Textbook. Edited by V.M. Tolmachev. M. Yurayt. 2023
22. The history of foreign literature of the XIX century. Textbook. Edited by E.M. Apenko. M. Yurayt. 2023
32. The history of foreign literature of the XIX century. Textbook. Edited by E.M. Apenko. M. Yurayt. 2023
43. B.A. Gilenson. The history of foreign literature. Practicum. M., Yurayt, 2023
54. Zh.B.Oshakbayeva Foreign literature III. Study guide. Turkestan, 2015.
65. O.N.Turysheva History of foreign literature of the XIX century. Realism. Study guide. Yekaterinburg, 2014.
77. V.S.Rabinovich. The History of Foreign Literature of the XIX century Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press, 2019.