Russian Language and Literature at Schools with non-Russian Training
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
YDG 4332 Development of Written Speech төртінші курс 3 90 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Chakanova S.D.

The purpose of the discipline: the formation of students' written communicative competence. The discipline is aimed at studying the most pressing problems of written speech, improving the means of communication in utterance, texts. As a result of studying the discipline, students will be able to create various types or genres of written messages-texts, will be able to operate in the process of written communication with lexical, grammatical and textual models and norms of language.



1. Oral (conversation, discussion),
2. Working in pairs,
3. Blitz questions,
4. Case study,
5. Methods of developing learning,
6. Methods of creative learning,
7. Using IT technology
8. Group work,
9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essay),
10. Glossary.

1Demonstrates knowledge of linguistic facts and is able to explain them from the point of view of the formation and development of the language;
2ossesses modern linguistic knowledge and substantiates it from the standpoint of the science of language;
3Knows language norms and is able to build tactics of speech behavior from the standpoint of stylistic features;
4İs able to evaluate linguistic phenomena and processes in the form of scientific generalization.
5Knows phonetic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic and textual models and norms of the literary language;
6İs able to operate with theoretical knowledge in the process of oral and written communication and apply them in practice;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. The modern language situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The subject and objectives of the development of written speech
2Psychological-linguistic, psychological-pedagogical foundations of the development of written speech of students
3Basic methods and techniques for the development of written speech
4The originality of written and oral speech
5The originality of written and oral speech
6Characteristics of written speech
7The main genres of writing
8Essay. Structure, classification, main features of the essay
9The rules for writing an essay are the main mistakes when writing. Checking the essay
10Presentation as a type of coherent written statement
11Learning to write a concise statement
12Essay is a type of written school work
13Essay evaluation criteria
14Dictation. Types of dictation
15Work on bugs
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Chakanova S.D. Development of written speech. Study guide. Turkestan, 2019 .
2Chakanova S.D. Development of written speech. Educational and methodical manual. Turkestan, 2022 .
3Chakanova S.D. Methodology of teaching Russian language and literature. Study guide. Turkestan, 2020.
4Kutyaeva U.S.,.Laporte B.P. Development of written speech. Yekaterinburg, 2017.