Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TMOCCEIS 3295 The Methods of conducting a chemical experiment at school Үшінші курс 5 150 1 - 2
Course Descriptions
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S. K. Turtabaev

The discipline considers, according to the school course program, the study of the chemistry of the composition and structure of substances, the dependence of their properties on the structure, the production of new substances and materials with known properties, the methodology of experimental confirmation of the laws of chemical transformations. The student develops the skills of organizing and conducting chemical experiments, the ability to interpret and generalize chemical processes based on theoretical knowledge. He is able to plan laboratory experiments and practical classes according to the program of the school chemistry course using learning technologies

Processing the results of a chemical pedagogical experiment

Chemistry teaching methodology

Group work, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method,, modular learning technology.

1Applies in his professional activity knowledge and skills, practical skills acquired through the study of the basic theories and laws of chemistry
2Processes the results obtained by organizing and conducting laboratory experiments in the field of chemistry
3Organizes educational and methodological activities by mastering the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching chemistry
4Determines the level of assimilation of schoolchildren chemical knowledge using assessment methods
5Plans classes, effectively applying modern chemistry teaching technologies
6Conducts modern pedagogical research based on scientific methods
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Social and economic changes in the development of the Republic of KazakhstanСұрақ-жауап
2New learning technologies.Ауызша
3Amazing quirks in chemistry.Жазбаша
4The role of chemical experiment in cognition.Ауызша және жазбаша
5School chemistry classroom and its role.презентация
6Equipment of the laboratory assistant's preparation room.Сұрақ-жауап
7School chemical experiment method and methodical approach in the system of teaching chemistry.Ауызша
8Requirements for conducting laboratory experiments and practical exercises.Жазбаша
9Effective use of the Internet in teaching chemistry.Ауызша және жазбаша
10Analysis of the topic of 'acid-base' equilibrium and the relationship with special disciplines.Сұрақ-жауап
11'Technology of modular education in chemistry lessons''презентация
12Teacher's work plansАуызша
13Laboratory work of students.Ауызша және жазбаша
14The method of problematic storytelling.Жазбаша
15Familiarity with samples of simple and complex subjects.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Zhylysbayeva G. Okulda kimyasal bir deney yapma tekniği. Ders kitabı.2016.
2Kimyasal deney (8-11). Ders kitabı. [Metin] / K. Bekişev. - Almatı: Kazakh un-ta, 2020. - 176 S.
3Tugelbaeva L. M. Ryskaliyeva R. G. Aşkeeva R. K. Yüksek okuldaki kimyada bir deney yapma yöntemi: öğretim ve metodolojik bir el kitabı. 2020.
4Niyazbayev A.I., Bekişev. K. ilginç kimyasal deneyler. Öğretim ve metodolojik el kitabı, 2017.
5Bizzakhmetova N. O. inorganik kimya Atölyesi'ndeyiz. Ders kitabı. - Almatı: Kazgemkizpu, 2015,
6Polupanenko E.G. Okul Kimyasal deneyi: Taras Shevchenko'nun adını taşıyan Luhansk Ulusal Üniversitesi'ne ait bir çalışma kılavuzu. – Lugansk: Knita, 2018.