Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TG 3305 Historical Grammar Үшінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Dr. Yergubekova Zh

The purpose of teaching the discipline is to achieve the following learning results: - comprehensive scientific substantiation of the historical lexical fund and composition of the Kazakh language, Ways and systems of replenishment, the role of phonetic changes in the formation, maturation of the history of the language, etymological and ethnolinguistic features, the word formation system and its theoretical nominative logic, the causes and consequences of personal and official, semantic changes in the grammatical structure, the nature of the complexity of the word and sentence structure, etc. The history of the Kazakh language is considered from the point of view of the history of phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic language units. This subject is studied in comparison with the peculiarities of Turkic linguistics. Studies and systematizes questions of history of studying of Turkic languages and the people, classification of Turkic languages and specific features of the Kazakh language, stages, the directions of development and formation of history of the Kazakh language.

Introduction to  linguistics, Scientific phonetics of the modern Kazakh language, Scientific word-formation of modern Kazakh language

Teamwork, work in pair, learning and study, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, jigsaw method, creative learning methods

11-knows the features of the formation of the vernacular in accordance with the ethnogenic composition of the Kazakh people;
22-analyzes the lexical, phonetic, grammatical aspects of the language of Orkhon-Yenisei written monuments and medieval heritage;
33-analyzes the features of development, makes etymological and ethnolinguistic Analyses, compares them with modern Kazakh, other Turkic languages, formulates new theoretical conclusions of scientific research published in recent times in Kazakh linguistics;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Purpose and objectives of the discipline. Sources of study of the historical development of language. Classification of Turkic languages. Turkology classificationsАуызша
2Ancient Turkic basis of Kazakh vocabulary. Historical changes in the meaning of the word. Ways to generate a lexical wordАуызша
3System of vowels. Features in the development of individual vowelsСөздік
4Formation of the old Turkic system of consonants. History of individual consonantsАуызша
5Types of singarmonism. Ancient sound changesАуызша
6Historical morphology. Development of the word root. The background of applications. Established ways of creating a wordСөздік
7Origin and formation of Word classes. Development of NOUN word classes. Noun. Noun-forming suffixesСөздік
8Historical development of the connotation categoryАуызша
9Adjective. The study of adjective pronouns. Number name. Reflection of the Census system in Turkic languages. Historical formation of pronounsАуызша
10Adverb. Ancient basis of the adverbСөздік
11Interjection words. Historical development of interjectionsАуызша
12Words of Union. Their historical formationАуызша
13Features of the development of syntactic construction. PhraseАуызша
14Types of phrases in the text of monumentsСөздік
15The development of sentence structure. Simple and compound sentence ObjectedСөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Тіл тарихы. Оқулық. 2019 . Янсон Торе
22. Түркітанудың тарихи-лингвистикалық негіздері. Оқулық. 2015. Ж.Түймебаев, М.Ескеева
33. Қазақ және түрік тілдерінің салыстырмалы-сипаттамалы грамматикасы. Монография. 2016. Ж.Түймебаев, Г.Сағидолла
44. Көне түркі жазба ескерткіштері тілінің морфологиялық жүйесі (ҮІ-ІХғғ). Монография. 2016. Ж.Түймебаев, М.Ескеева