Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TDTMM 6321 Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Historiography and Source Studies Екінші курс 3 90 1 1
Course Descriptions
Saulembekova M.

The discipline analyzes the theoretical foundations of modern source studies and historical knowledge, features, problems of classification of historical data and historical research, methods, and principles of studying new directions of historiography, and ways of their application. It describes a historical fact, a historiographical regularity, the role of source studies as a tool of historical research, and advanced methodologies of historical scientific cognition. The course teaches the application of theoretical knowledge in practice and combines interdisciplinary knowledge.



narration, exchange of opinions, discussion, problematic methods

1specific historical research, objective differentiation, identification of unexplored aspects;
2is a science that teaches the correct choice of methodological approaches, information about the subject, and critical analysis;
3the study of the objective representation of historical processes, special theoretical and methodological training, the formation of critical analysis skills
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Methodological foundations of historiographical science
2Fundamentals and principles of methodology
3The principles underlying the methodology
4Theoretical principles characteristic of historiography
5Methods of historiographical science
6Preparation of methodological principles and methods by scientific requirements
7The importance of the formation of historiographical science
8Scientific research on the problem of Kazakhstan's accession to Russia
9Scientific research on the problem of Kazakhstan's accession to Russia
10The confiscation of the cattle-breeding property of Kazakh bais has been studied in Kazakh historical science since the late 40s.
11Writing many works related to the political acuteness and scientific and educational significance of the topic of mass collectivization of peasants
12Works determining the level of historiographical study of the problem of the transition of the Kazakh peasantry to a settlement lifestyle
13Source study basis for the development of virgin and fallow lands
14Works devoted to the level of knowledge of the problems of demographic development of the population of Kazakhstan
15Analysis of the historiography of sociodemographic changes in Kazakhstan
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Methods of teaching source science. Textbook, 2019. Atabaev, K. M.
2Historiography of the history of Kazakhstan before 1917. Textbook. / G.M.Tlenshina. - Almaty: Evero, 2023. - 136 p.
3Overview from Chinese history (historical data). Monograph. 2017. Bozan, Zh.
4The national liberation movement of the Kazakh people in the late XVIII-early XX centuries.Collection of documents/Comp.:Satenova.M.R., Orazov R.E., Zhetpisbai N.Y., Zhylysbaeva M.G. - Almaty: Litera-M, 2019. - 640 p.