Turkish Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
TDAA 2205 Literary Movements in the Turkish World II Екінші курс 4 120 2 1 0
Course Descriptions
PhD Kenan Semiz

The course focuses on the intellectual efforts of the Turkish people from ancient times to the 20th century , the views of intellectuals and the intellectual movements in the general Turkish world until the 20th century. Giving information about the sources of Turkish literature before and after the Karakhanid period , differentiating views on literary works spread orally and in writing.


Introduction to Literary Science

1. critical thinking 
2. brainstorming
3. case study/case phase
4. development teaching method

1It creates the understanding of literary studies that examine fiction.
2Understand the purpose and task of literary studies through fields that consider the history, theory, criticism, textology and bibliography of literature
3As a result of the study, the scientist systematizes the birth, formation and development of modern Turkish literature studies as a global science.
4Research on the literature of contemporary Turkish peoples summarizes the works
5The source of classical Turkish literature, the world of the classical Turkish poet; Learns the function of aruz meter in poetry and the practical use of the meter most commonly used in Turkish poetry, and learns basic information about the content and types of poems of classical Turkish poetry.
6Understands the sources of Turkish Literature and uses knowledge, education and self-control methods and tools to improve himself in the field of Turkish studies.
7It deals with the research works of Turkic scientists and historians.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The Birth of Turkish Thought History StudiesАуызша
2Development of Turkish Thought History Studiesпрезентация
3Naming the History of Turkish ThoughtАуызша
4Periodization of the History of Turkish Thought IСұрақ-жауап
5Periodization of the History of Turkish Thought IIАуызша
6Westernization and ModernizationЖазбаша
7The Matter of Limitationпрезентация
8Limitation of the History of Turkish Thought IСұрақ-жауап
9Limitation of the History of Turkish Thought IIАуызша
10The Framework of Turkish Intellectual HistoryАуызша
11Method I in the History of Turkish Thoughtпрезентация
12Method II in the History of Turkish ThoughtСұрақ-жауап
13Method III in the History of Turkish ThoughtАуызша
14Turkish Thought Movements in the Modernization Processпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1N. Çetin, Tanzimat dönemi Türk edebiyatı, 2016.
2Cetisli, N. Cetin, A. Dogan, A. Gur II. Mesrutiyet dönemi Türk edebiyatı. 2016.
3Mehmet Kaplan, Şiir Tahlilleri I (Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete), 2018.
4Rene Wellek, Austin Warren Edebiyat teorisi. Dergah yay. 2019.
5Şerif Aktaş, Anlatma Esasına Bağlı Eserlerin Tahlili, 2019.
6Şerif Aktaş, Şiir Tahlilleri, Teori ve Uygulama, 2019.