Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SZh 3344 Data journalism Үшінші курс 5 150 0 0 4
Course Descriptions
Tashimova A.

The purpose of the discipline is to teach the preparation of material using publicly available databases (hence the name), that is, statistical data, graphs, lists, maps, etc., to provide information. Data journalism is a new type of journalism. Data can relate to any area of life: economics, politics, science, education, etc.The subject will be aimed at teaching the use of databases.

Fact checking

Convergent Journalism

narrative, exchange of views, discussion, game, interview.

1Information resources understand development trends. Master and apply the necessary services to journalists ;
2get acquainted with the digital infrastructure system, evaluate and understand the impact of digital technology on news production;
3design of local internet sites, evaluate the quality of publications on the network, remember information shows;
4data gets acquainted with the development of journalism, masters and applies SMM (social media marketing) technology;
5SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will learn how to work with the search engine ;
6get acquainted with the work of an open database, master the work, apply it in practice;
7get acquainted with the fact-checking tools, learn how to make a fact-checking and understand the system ;
8understands the technology of working with storytelling, longrid formats and uses it in the visualization of information dates;
9Gets acquainted with the methodological approaches to the study of the audience and uses it;
10understands the possibilities of information and digital literacy;
11Uses the tools necessary for media planning to collect, process the date, remembers the skills of working with services;
12analyzes and applies the problem of data authenticity of media in conjunction with world trends.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to data journalism, development directions.презентация
2Information resources. Necessary services for journalists.Ауызшапрезентация
3Information resources. Necessary services for journalists.Types of digital infrastructure. The impact of digital technology on news production.Ауызша
4Interactive tools, ways to use them.Ауызша және жазбаша
5Development of data journalism in Central Asia.SMM (social media marketing) is a business.ЖазбашаАуызша
6SEO (Search Engine Optimization) search engine optimization technology.Жазбаша
7Fact-checking is a tool for determining the authenticity of dataЖазбашаArticle
8The importance of open online educational sites.Жазбаша
9Technologies for creating storytelling, longrid formats.презентация
10Methods and formats of Audience Research.презентация
11Information and digital literacy in the media.Ауызша
12Information and digital literacy in the formats of Audience Research.Жазбаша
13Necessary tools and services for media planning.
14The problem of data authenticity in journalismпрезентацияArticle
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Қазақстандағы практикалық журналистика. 3.0 Алматы.- MediaNET ХЖО. -2017.
2Data Jornalism. Education alandmethodicalmanual. Turkestan, 2020. A.Sadibekov.
3Гороховский А.Фактчекинг журналистика мүмкіндігі мен болашағы. Практикалық оқу құралы. Алматы,2017.
4Журналистикадағы математикалық әдістер(математика мен статистиканың жаңалықтарда пайдаланылуы). Авт.: Сара Коэн.Зерттеуші журналистер мен редакторлар қауымдастығы.// Екінші басылым. Сорос-Қазақстан қоғамдық қор. Алматы, 2014.
5Сандық журналистика: Оқулық. / Қазақ тіліне ауд. Қ.Н. Мысаева; ҚР Білім және ғылым министрлігі, ҚР Жоғары оқу орындарының қауымдастығы . - Алматы: Экономика, 2014.
6Сандық журналистика. Оқу құралы . - Алматы : ҚР білім және ғылым министрлігі, 2014. Авт.: Джонес, Д.