Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
SHA 2240 Foreign Literature Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Ph.D. in Philology, docent m.a. Tolysbaeva A.
They get acquainted with the process of development of world literature, the nature of various trends, the major works of writers who have contributed to world civilization, the skills of their analysis are formed. Forms knowledge of the philosophical, artistic nature of the literary text, the study of traditions and innovations. Knows how to appreciate critical works of fiction. Shows and explains the stages of foreign literature. It is formed to recognize the philosophical, artistic nature of the literary text, to study it from the point of view of tradition and innovation. Able to evaluate fiction and critical works.

 1. Working in a group

 2 Critical thinking

 3.Creative search

 4. Reproductive method

 5. Design

1Determines the laws and content of the development of literature
2Shows and explains the stages of Foreign Literature.
3Reflects the ideological and aesthetic level and content potential of a literary work.
4Measures the types of variation and clarification of the literary language in a work of Art, the idea and pathos of the work from the point of view of national interest.
5Explains the aesthetic laws and forms of artistic consciousness expressed in works of literature.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. week Theoretical: The world significance of antique literature. Genres developed on the basis of ancient literature. Periods in the literature of antiquity. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The emergence of dramas. Cult of Dionysus Objected: The world significance of antique literature. Genres developed on the basis of ancient literature. Periods in the literature of antiquity. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. The emergence of dramas. The cult of Dionysus.Ауызша
22. week Theoretical: Greece. Tragics: Aeschylus. Sophocles, the life stories and works of Euripides. Trgedias' King Oedipus',' Oedipus in Colon',' Antigone'. Objected: Euripides is the third representative of Ancient Greek tragedy. 'Medea',' Hercules',' Hippolytus',' Trojan Women',' Electra',' Elena',' Andromache',' Orestes',' Vakkh girls ' Aristophanes. Grandfather of comedy.. Works of the first and second centuries BC. Historical prose.Ауызша
33. week Theoretical: Introduction to the literature of the Middle Ages. The influence of the Great settlement on the prosperity of medieval literature. The origin of the German heroic epic 'Nibelung'. Opposites in the images of Atilla, Siegfried, Gunter, Crimhilda Objected: 'The song of Roland', the heroic epic of Spain'Sid'. A historical event that contributed to the origin of the song. Three parts of the song. His World importanceСөздік
44. week Theoretical: Urban literature of the Middle Ages. The main genres of urban literature. Fablio. Schwank and their connection with folk art. Objected: Urban literature in the Middle Ages. The story 'Pop Amis' by Strikker. City didactic literature. Philosophical background of the novel' about the Rose'.Ауызша
55. week Theoretical: Representatives of the epochal period of Italy. The Sons of the renaissance of the XIX century. The emergence of humanistic groups in Italy. 'The Mighty comedy'by Dante. Abstract image of Beatrice from the book' new life'. Poetic, moral philosophical works of Petrarch. Objected: Representatives of the Italian epoch. The life and work of Boccaccio ғы. The founder of Italian prose. The influence of' decammeron ' on the development of the artistic work of Italy. Psychological novel 'elegy of fiametta Madonna'. The image of Maria.Ауызша
66. week Theoretical: The emergence of classicism in the eighteenth century. XIII introduction to the literature of Italy, Spain, France. French classicism. Pierre Cornel, in the tragedies and comedies of Molierepoliticproblems. 'Media','Zinna' Objected: The emergence of classicism in the eighteenth century. The tragedies of Jean Racine. 'Andromakha', 'Britannik', 'Phaedra'. Artistic techniques in Moliere comedies.Сөздік
77. week Theoretical: Realism of the XVIII century.National drama theory. The life and work of Lope De Vega, a representative of Spanish drama. Objected: Genre lassification in the plays of Lope De VegaСөздік
88. week Theoretical: Representatives of the Enlightenment of England of the XVIII century D. Defoe and. The life and work of D. Swift. 'Robinson Crusoe 'the essence of D. Swift's satirical pamphlet' The Tale of the barrel'. Objected: ' Gulliver's travels ' a novel in which the image of Gulliver is depicted in an allegorical moldАуызша
99. week Theoretical: French literature of the eighteenth century. Representative of the educational literature of France. Voltaire Francois-Marie (Arouet) Voltaire is a historian. Tragedies' Brutus',' Zaira '' Magomed'. Objected: French literature of the XVIII century. Voltaire Francois-Marie (Arouet) Voltaire is a historian. Tragedies' Brutus',' Zaira '' Magomed'.Ауызша
1010. week Theoretical: Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a representative of the sentimentalist literary trend in French literature. Sentimental novel' Emil',' New Eloise'. Beaumarchais ('Figaro'), founder of the French comedy genre. Objected: Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a representative of the sentimentalist literary trend in French literature. Sentimental novel' Emil',' New Eloise'.Сөздік
1111. week Theoretical: Romanticism in Western Europe in the XIX century. The romanticism of England originated from the poetry of Jean Cazot, Byron and Percy Bishishelli. Their life and works. Objected: Romanticism in Western Europe in the XIX century. The romanticism of England originated from the poetry of Jean Cazot, Byron and Percy Bishishelli.Ауызша
1212. week Theoretical: XIX Century. Representatives of progressive romanticism in French literature. Victor Hugo. Georges Sand (1804 -1876) Objected: (1804 -1876) Victor Hugo. 'The man who laughs'. 'Parisian cathedral of St. Paul'. The life and work of Frederickstendal in the 3rd-0th centuries of the XIX century. Novel' Red and black 'Ауызша
1313. week Theoretical: German literature of the XVIII century. Representatives of the' storm and tegeur': Lessing Gotthold Ephraim –the great German educator. The life and works of Herder, Goethe and Schiller. 'Faus'. 'Evil and love' Objected: German literature of the XVIII century. Educational direction of the drama 'Dana Nathan'. The life and works of Herder, Goethe and Schiller. 'Faus'.Ауызша
1414. week Theoretical: French literature of the second half of the XIX century. Decadentliterature. Literature Of The Paris Commune. Naturalism is a trend that emerged after the revolution of 1848 by the theorist Emil Zolya (1840 -1902). Anatole France. Gee De Moppassan's conclusions. Objected: French literature of the second half of the XIX century. Naturalism and symbolism in French literature. Decadentliterature. The Commune Of Parisliterature. Naturalism-1848 inthe direction that followed the revolutionoreticist Emil Zola (1840 -1902). Anatole France. Compositions of GI De Moppasan.Сөздік
1515. week Theoretical: Sociolingualism of England, America of the twentieth century. Oscar Wilde. (Aestheticism) the beginning of the XX century. The late 1917 American realistic-oriented writer Jack London. (1876-1916) (John Griffith London)-the theme of a happy life in his stories. Romantic orientation. 'Northern stories. The stories' Sea Wolf',' Martin Eden '' White Fang ' critical realism of England of the twentieth century. The life and work of Charles Dickens. Objected: The lives and works of America's realistic-oriented writers. A truthful description of the social Breath of America in Theodore Dreiser's novel 'The Tragedy of America', 'sister Kerry'. The struggle against the direction of' subtle realism'. Ernest Hemingway's novel Goodbye, arms. On the anti-fascist struggle in Spain. Resistance to war. The novel' about whom the bell is ringing'. Hemingway is a novelist ('cat under the rain','Kilimanjaro snow'). Symbolic philosophical novel 'The Old Man and the sea'.Сөздік
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Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Әдебиет теориясы. Антология ІІ том. Астана, 2019. Оқулық. Джули Ривкин, Майкл Райан
2Шетел әдебиетінің тарихы. Орта ғасыр және қайта өрлеу дәуіріндегі Батыс Европа әдебиеті, 2014. Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Абдульманов А.
3Шет елдер әдебиетінің тарихы (б.з.д. Х-б.з.V ғасырдағы антикалық дәуірдегі әдебиет) Оқу құралы. 2022ж. Сейсекенова А.Б.
4Әдебиет теориясы. Антология ІІІ том. Астана, 2019. Оқулық. Джули Ривкин, Майкл Райан