Russian Language and Literature at Schools with non-Russian Training
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ROBT 4345 Information Technologies in Russian Language Teaching төртінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Rametova U.R.

The course examines the use of information computer technology in the lessons of the Russian language. In order to form a holistic picture of the world and assimilate information at the lowest cost, it is necessary to intensify the cognitive interest of students. The use of new educational technologies contribute to the development of information and computer competence.



1. Oral (conversation, discussion),
2. Group work,
3. Problem-based learning, creative method (essay),
4. Presentation,
5. Business games,
6. Test,
7. Methods, forms of training, form of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for students with disabilities, disciplines can be changed by the teacher together with structural divisions.

1has an idea of the place of specialized electronic educational resources and projects that significantly improve the quality of the educational process in the structure and content of curricula of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) compiled in accordance with regulatory legal acts in the field of education;
2he knows about the possibilities of information and communication technologies in the formation of cognitive motivation of students for the subject within the framework of regular and extracurricular activities.
3has the skills to design individual educational routes for the development of the Russian language and literature program in accordance with the educational needs of students and taking into account the didactic possibilities of the information and educational environment;
4owns modern information technologies and applies them in the professional sphere, manages ICT tools with accuracy in accordance with his professional activity, understands and demonstrates a careful attitude to the use of ICT tools
5he is able to use the educational potential of multimedia educational technologies of various types in designing the results of teaching in the Russian language and literature in accordance with regulatory documents in the field of education, age characteristics of students, didactic tasks of the training session;
6has the skills to use the educational potential of multimedia educational technologies of various types in designing the results of teaching in the Russian language and literature in accordance with regulatory documents in the field of education, age characteristics of students, didactic tasks of the training session;
7he is able to organize and use his time effectively, feels responsible for his actions, observes safety regulations, and is active in protecting the environment.
8has the skills to select information and communication methods, techniques and technologies in accordance with the subject content and in the structure of the lesson, multimedia means of organizing the training session, computer technology in the process of diagnosis and control in accordance with the planned learning outcomes;
9to use the educational potential of multimedia educational technologies of various types in designing the results of teaching in the Russian language and literature in accordance with regulatory documents in the field of education, age characteristics of students, didactic tasks of the training session;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The role and place of information technology in modern society. Stages of lesson preparation using ICT.
2Multimedia, multimedia resources, multimedia technologies. Fundamentals of the use of multimedia technologies in education.
3Formation of students' communicative competencies based on the introduction of information technologies
4Types and functions of electronic educational resources and training information systems.
5Pedagogical potential of electronic educational resources and training information systems.
6Electronic educational resources, electronic media, educational information systems, information educational resources, information and communication technologies, computer presentation technologies, software. Their main types and purpose.
7Electronic textbooks on the Russian language and literature. Test systems in the Russian language. Their place and role in the professional activity of a Russian language teacher
8Distance learning: general characteristics. Distance technologies in the professional activity of a Russian language teacher. Distance learning: forms, their content, difference. Distance learning and information technology.
9Practical application of distance learning in the process of philological education. Techniques for preparing graphic illustrations for visual and didactic materials in educational activities.
10ICT-competence of a Russian teacher. The use of information technology in Russian language lessons.
11Information technologies in the activity of a teacher of the Russian language and special educational and methodological equipment.
12The use of individual information technologies in Russian language lessons through educational and methodological equipment.
13Interactive whiteboards of the new generation: concept, meaning. Techniques for using an interactive whiteboard in a lesson by a Russian language teacher.
14Development of Russian language lessons using interactive whiteboard capabilities (implementation of interactive teaching methods).
15Theoretical foundations of the use of information technology as a means of assessment in Russian language lessons.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Information and communication technologies. Textbook. A.2017. T. B. Nurpeisova, I. N. Kaidash
2Development of intellectual abilities of university students as a factor of increasing the intellectual potential of Kazakhstan. Monograph. [Text] / A. K. Mynbaeva, V. T. Tikhomirova, A.V. Vishnevskaya. - Almaty : Kazak un-ti, 2015
3Modern educational technologies. Study guide. Edited by E.N. Ashanina. M.. Yurayt, 2023