Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
RD 2208 Russian 2 Екінші курс 6 180 0 4 0
Course Descriptions
Yerkibayeva G.G. Babayeva K.S.

The discipline is aimed at studying the main stages of the historical formation of the lexico-semantic system of the Russian language, the system connections of words, the system of modern linguistic terminology.  As a result of studying the discipline, students will master lexical models of the language, as well as be able to operate them in the process of communication, master the skills of lexical and semantic analysis.

Russian 3

Russian I.

1. Oral (conversation, discussion),

2. Working in pairs,

3. Blitz questions,

4. Case study,

5. Methods of developmental learning,

6. Methods of creative learning,

7. Using IT technology

8. Group work,

9. Problem-based learning, creative method (essay),

10. Glossary,

11. Presentation,

12. Business games,

13. Associogram,

14. Bibliography,

15. Test,

16. The written method.

17. For students with disabilities, together with structural units, the teacher can change the methods, forms, type of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules).

1Russian Russian is a product and at the same time the result of its historical development, reflecting the influence of social factors on the emergence of lexical units and the peculiarities of their functioning; the main stages of the historical formation of the lexical and semantic system of the Russian language, describes the linguistic units and categories of the lexicology of the Russian language from the standpoint of system-structural and functional approaches.
2owns lexical textual models of the language, and also knows how to apply them in practice, linguistic conceptual and terminological apparatus, owns the culture of thinking,
3is able to generalize, analyze, consider current problems of lexicology at the present stage, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.
4knows the basic theoretical concepts of lexicology and phraseology and applies the relevant practical skills in practice.
5owns the methodology of comprehensive lexical analysis of the word (semantic, systemic and functional) and the text.
6Russian Russian is able to use the basic dictionaries of the Russian language; classify the vocabulary of the Russian language according to different parameters (genetic, dynamic, social and functional-stylistic stratification of vocabulary).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The subject and tasks of lexicology
2Lexical semantics
3Lexical meaning of the word
4Lexico-semantic paradigmatics Homonymic paradigm as a phenomenon of formal semantic order
5Synonymous paradigm
6The Antonymic paradigm
7Paronymy and paronomasia
8Vocabulary of the modern Russian language from the point of view of its origin
9Active and passive vocabulary of the Russian language
10Functional and social characteristics of the Russian vocabulary. Vocabulary of the modern Russian language from the point of view of its use
11Vocabulary of the modern Russian language from the point of view of expressive and stylistic
12Phraseological units of the Russian language
13Component composition of phraseological units and their variation
14Expressive and stylistic features of phraseological turns
15Basic dictionaries of the Russian language
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Edited by S.M. Kolesnikova. Modern Russian language. Textbook and workshop. T.
2Phonetics. Spelling. Lexicology. Word formation. M. Yurayt. 2023.
3Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian language. Study guide. M., 2021.
4Yerkibayeva G.G. Russian language II. Study guide.. Shymkent, 2021
5Chakanova S.J. Lexicology of the modern Russian language. Educational and methodical manual. Turkestan, 2017.