Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
QBQ 3331 Current press service Үшінші курс 5 150 1 0 2
Course Descriptions
Tashimova A.

The purpose of the discipline is to help future journalists fully master the work of a press secretary. Receives the necessary information for the formation of the image, reputation of the institution, the ability of a modern press secretary to become a strategically strong politician as a good specialist. The discipline is aimed at thorough, responsible performance of his work, mastering the management approach as a press secretary, with a focus on the execution of official, unofficial documents, negotiations, informing the media, conversations with officials.

The art of the word

Introduction to journalism

narrative, exchange of views, discussion, game, interview.

1Pon 1-recognizes media genres and can develop materials based on the type of genres. Pon 2-can carry out literary Editing depending on the genre type of materials.
2Pon 3-in the process of organizing the press service, it tries to learn the mechanisms for establishing relations with media representatives, the correct and effective presentation of information. Pon 4-takes into account the favorable aspects of negotiations with representatives of the media for the institution.
3Pon 5-knows how to review materials published in the media, recognizes the forms of genres.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Monitoring the structure of the press service (result: diagram)
2Conducting surveys and expertise with media structures (result: infographics)
3Scenario for concluding an agreement with the target audience (result: involving one representative in the lesson)
4Conducting a journalistic investigation of Personnel Selection (result: written work)
5Monitoring the structure of the press service (result: diagram)
6Familiarization with the specifics of PR texts (result: slide)
7Organization of the work of the press service on Facebook (result: post publication)
8Analysis of the conflict situation in the work of the press service (result: discussion)
9Work with critical materials (result: writing an article)
10Game lesson on the organization of accreditation of journalists
11Familiarization with the press service of state bodies (result: travel-lesson)
12Participation in the implementation of state programs (result: practical lesson in the city akimat)
13Creation of a press service in mass media (result: teamwork)
14Conclusion of contracts with business structures (result: employment)
15Бизнес-құрылымдарымен келісім-шарт жасасу (нәтиже: жұмыспен қамту)
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Қазіргі баспасөз қызметі. Оқу құралы. - А.: Қазақ университеті, 2016. Сердәлі Б. К.
22. Методы журналистики. – М., 2014. Мельник Г.
31. PR-тексты: как зацепить читателя. Методическое пособие. – Алматы, 2017