Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PSI 2109 Psychology Екінші курс 2 60 1 1 1
Course Descriptions
D.S. Zharkinbaeva

The purpose of the discipline is to form the foundations of the professional, pedagogical and psychological culture of future specialists, formation of creative readiness to master the basics of psychological sciences and solve their professional problems, development of psychological thinking based on knowledge and research skills acquired in the course of general psychology, developing the ability to systematically analyze psychological phenomena in the process of practical training.

Fil 2102 “Philosophy”.

KKZT 1101 “History of Kazakhstan”

report, debate, discussion, problem-based methods.

1Interpretation of the socio-ethical values of society as a product of the processes of integration of the subject of psychology into the basic systems of teaching.
2Be able to use scientific methods and research methods as a result of the interaction of the text of the essence of the subject of psychology.
3Explain the state of social relations in various fields based on the content of scientific thought and theory within the discipline.
4Clarification and substantiation of information about social and interpersonal relationships, language, culture, political programs, development of Kazakh society at different stages.
5Be able to analyze the features of their role in the context of the essence of cultural institutions in the modernization of Kazakhstani society.
6Analysis of various situations in Kazakh society in various respects, equating to a system of ethical and legal norms, social, business, cultural values.
7Justification of methodological choice for the analysis of specific problems and the ability to distinguish between different ways of studying society.
8Assessment of the social and humanitarian type of science in the field of other sciences, assessment of the relationship between real conditions in society, the ability to project the prospects for its development, taking into account emerging risks.
9Tension in professional society, as well as in society be able to create programs to solve.
10Be able to carry out research project activities within the framework of various relationships, transform (generate) socially valuable teaching, design it.
11Be able to correctly express and defend your opinion on socially significant issues.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to Psychology
2Emotions and emotional intelligence
3Individual typological characteristics of personality
4The meaning of life and the psychology of professional self-determination
5Relationships between individuals and groups
6The interactive side of communication
7The concept and structure of socio-psychological conflict
8Methods and techniques of effective communication
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Nemov R.S. General psychology - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011.
2Kravchenko A. I. Psychology and pedagogy - M
3Tashimova F.S. Psychological foundations of the process of meaning formation. – Almaty, 2011
4Kim A.M., Han N.N. Diagnosis and development of emotional intelligence of a university teacher - Almaty, 2016
5Sobchik, L.N. Diagnosis of individual typological properties and interpersonal relationships / L.N. Sobchik. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2009. – 96 s.