Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
PShSh 4214 Art journalism төртінші курс 5 150 30 30 0
Course Descriptions
Tashimova A.

The purpose of the discipline is practical for future journalists-to show the specifics of journalistic creativity of journalists and editors, media leaders, PR specialists. It is also aimed at training journalists specializing in information disputes and legislative activities with information from the accumulated experience

Skill in collecting and writing information

presentation, exchange of views, discussion, "brainstorming", game, interview, etc.

1PON1-understands the use of effective methods in obtaining, collecting information available to the target audience PON2 remembers the use of the '5W 1H' principle in the development of material(information).-; PON3-find relevant topics in content development, improve writing skills, acquire analytical skills, and understand them from a practical point of view.
2PON4-checks the authenticity and relevance of the information used, learns and understands ways to create a fact check. PON5-uses methods of editing (editing) prepared (including individual) materials for expert writing of materials. Pon-6 systematically organizes well-known representatives of the General professions (political scientists, sociologists, scientists and other well-known persons) from the point of view of a professional journalist to disclose media content.
3PON7-checks and clarifies the authenticity and significance of the information used, and applies verification methods to the information. PON8-uses effective methods of data analysis to analyze information in the process of writing an article uses effective methods of editing materials in the process of writing. PON9-can use modern technologies and computer programs to process various materials and media content.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Journalism is a creative art.Ауызша
2The beginning of Kazakh journalism: Shokan, Ybyrai, Abai journalism.Ауызша
3Journalism of Alash Aryans at the beginning of the XX century.Жазбаша
4Golden age of Kazakh journalism: 1. Sherkhan Murtaza, Kamal Smailov, Azilkhan Nurshayikov Sapar Baizhanov, etc.презентация
52. Seidakhmet Berdikulov, Saat Ashimbayev, Oralkhan Bokei, Kopen Amirbek, etcАуызша және жазбаша
6Editorial skills of zharylkap Beisenbayuly, Nurtore Zhusip, Sauytbek AbdrakhmanovЖазбаша
7Publicist's citizenship position: Nuriden Muftakh, Marat Kabanbay journalism model.Сөздік
8Writing skills of journalist, publicist Kainar Olzhay, Zhanbolat AupbayevАуызша
9Journalistic skills of journalist Kali Sarsenbay, Toregali TashenovАуызша
10Master classes of zhusupbek Khorgosbek, Bauyrzhan Omarov, Serikkali Zheksenbay, Nurlan Kenzhegulov.Ауызша және жазбаша
11Aigul Akhanbaykyzy, Nazerke Zhumabay masters of artАуызша
12Creativity of Berik Beisenovich, Gulnar Zhumabay; Bagashar Tursynbayuly, Kanagat Abylkair – Gulzina Bektas-masters of the theme of spiritualityАуызша және жазбаша
13N. Zhunisbayuly, S. Sybanbay, Esey Zhenisuly masters of sports journalismпрезентация
14Gulzat Nurmolda, Abay Aimagambet , Bauyrzhan Mukanov, G. Aitzhanbay are the best economic reviewers , Aybar Olzhayev, Erbol Azanbek are the works of PR specialists.Жазбаша
15Erik Rakhim, Ayhan Sharip, Shalkar Nurseit, Kasym Amanzhol are the best political commentators.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Публицистің шығармашылық шеберханасы. Оқу құралы / - Алматы, 2013. Авт.: Садықов, С
21.Жақсылықбаева Р. Публицистің шығармашылық шеберханасы.-Алматы: Қазақ университеті,2015. Әдістемелік құрал 2. Жақсылықбаева Журналистің мәтін жазу шеберлігі.Оқу құралы. Алматы: Қазақ университеті,2018.
31. Медиа және журналистика: теория мен практикаға жаңа көзқарас. Оқу құралы. - Алматы: «Ұлттық аударма бюросы» қоғамдық қоры, 2019.