Russian Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Par 6308 Paralinguistics Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Berdalieva R.S.

formation of knowledge about the problems of the use of verbal and non-verbal means in speech communication, the problems of para-language in modern science, the functions of para-language and its types, paralinguistic means in the language system, non-verbal factors of speech communication. Formation of skills of critical analysis of models and typology of interaction between language and culture, verbal and non-verbal markers of cultures, psychological, linguistic and sociological aspects of language, speech and speech activity.



1. Oral (conversation, discussion),
2. Written (essay, reader's diary),
3. Problem method
4. Methods, forms of training, form of control and the amount of time for the introduction of specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for students with disabilities, disciplines can be changed by the teacher together with structural divisions.


1LOD1 - analyzes the genesis, philosophical basis and the most important stages of the development of linguistics.
2LOD2 - demonstrates knowledge of the main directions of linguistic research of modern domestic and world linguistics.
3LOD3 - analyzes the models and typology of the interaction of language and culture, verbal and nonverbal markers of cultures,
4LOD4 - analyzes the psychological and linguistic aspects of language, speech and speech activity that contribute to the successful implementation of intercultural communication.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Non-verbal means of communication in the socio-cultural space of Kazakhstan.презентация
2Objected Nonverbal means of communication in the context of intercultural communicationСұрақ-жауап
3Typology of nonverbal means of communication: visual, acoustic, tactile, proximaltest
4Model of nonverbal behavior and its characteristicsArticle
5Nonverbal means of communication as an Ethno-cultural information channel: knowledge, etiquette and tabooСұрақ-жауап
6Features of nonverbal means of communication in the Kazakh linguoculture.Сұрақ-жауап
7Non-verbal means of communication as a reflection of the mental picture of the Kazakh language culture.Article
8Paralinguistic means: gaze, facial expressions, posture, gestures, movements in public speech Speech technique: tempo of speech, timbre of voice, diction clarity, sound expressiveness.Библиография
9National culture and model of nonverbal communication.Сұрақ-жауап
10Interaction of verbal and nonverbal means in the conditions of speech communication: signedness.Сөздік
11The mental nature of nonverbal means of communication: orientation to the situation and the partnerArticle
12Methods of overcoming the fear of performing. The role of nonverbal means of communication.Жазбаша
13Nonverbal means of communication in the professional activity of a teacher.Библиография
14Nonverbal means of communication in the texts of works by Russian writers and poets.презентация
15Dictionaries of nonverbal means of communication.Article
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Berdalieva R.S. National and cultural specificity of nonverbal communication model, Monograph, Turkestan, 2020.
2T.A. Vorontsova. Rhetoric as public communication. Izhevsk, 2017
3V.D. Chernyak. Rhetoric. Textbook for undergraduates. M.-2013.
4Berdalieva R.S. Public speaking skills. Textbook.,Turkestan, 2018.