Automation and Management
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OSITVT 4236 Technological Databases for Automation Systems төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Kasymbekov A. S.

The purpose of the subject is to study the principles of creating a database, the principles of creating a data model, and as a result, control the methods of data manipulation, search and data processing systems. Language tools for describing and manipulating data, data models in modern database management systems, fundamentals of database design, system requirements analysis, database creation tools, application creation, transaction management, database monitoring.

Modeling of technological processes, Programmable logic controllers, Writing and defense of a diploma project (comprehensive examination).

Artificial intelligence systems, Basics of automatic design system, Microprocessor complexes in control systems.

Group work, brainstorming, narrative, developmental and creative teaching methods.

1Organizes technical calculations for the selection and study of automatic control systems units using the technological database for automation systems.
2Performs technical calculations for the selection and study of automatic control systems using methods of automation and protection of electrical installations.
3Organizes the design of technical equipment, automation, control and diagnostic systems, taking into account the technological bases of production, using the technological database for automation systems.
4Designs technical equipment, automation, control and diagnostic systems, taking into account the technological bases of production, using the technological database for automation systems.
5Uses technological databases for automation systems, systematically analyzes automated control systems, technological processes and productions, organizes monitoring of the operation of devices and sites.
6Systematically analyzes automated control systems, technological processes and productions, monitors the operation of devices and sites, using the technological database for automation systems.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction. Goals and objectives of the subject. Retrospective review, modern problems, development prospects. Basics of MB theory. Basic concepts and definitions. Data models: hierarchical, network, relational. Development of methods of data organization.
2MB as a basis of information systems. MB definition, purpose, examples. Manual and computerized MB, comparative analysis. Database requirements for MB properties. Types of computer MB. MB architecture three levels, administrator. Utilities.
3Information model and structure of data. Conceptual, logical physical models of data. Types of logical models: relational model, hierarchical model, network model. Sequential, direct, index-sequential access methods. Navigational and relational approaches to data access.
4Creating an information model and defining values. Identify relationships between values. Install the key. Bringing the model to the desired level of normal form. Physical description of the model. Database management system (DBMS), main functions and features. A review, analysis and reasons for the transition to the use of modern IMS.
5Basic elements of a relational database. Basic types, variables, fields, compatibility of types. Data storage and table structure. Fields, records. The concept of a key, the need to use a primary key. Definition and use of generator. Purpose, structure, advantage of using indices. Events that lead to a violation of directory integrity. Types of restrictions. Assigning and Using Views.
6The main objects of the relational database and the rules of their creation. MB normalization and software. The main objects of the relational database. Create tables, forms, requests. The concept of calculation and the need for use.
7MB design. Post-correlation models of data. Classification and comparative characteristics of BMZ. The main concepts of MMBZ. Examples of MB organization. Functional dependencies in relational MB theory.
8The concept of normalization, normal form. Attributes and keys. Normalization of relations, levels. Introduction to Relational Algebra. Fundamentals of relational computing. Relational algebra. MB design.
9Organization of MySQL SQL queries. Sorting, searching and filtering data (selection), creation of requests for the BMS. General description of MySQL database, main components, application limitations. Principles and methods of data manipulation, Data storage, addition, processing and deletion, data set navigation.
10Table as the basis of MB. Data types. Identify the primary key. Creating tables in 'Master' and 'Designer' mode. Methods of altering and editing tables. Data schema. 'Form' as the basis of the interface. Object purpose, types, features, modes, controls. Development of complex forms, adjustment of forms. Filters and queries. Demand-selection. Request-action. SQL query.
11Import, export and add MySQL objects. Basic principles of design. Macros, modules. Design stages of MB applications. Areas of application of MySQL database. Application of MB in various fields of activity.
12Organization of the MMBZ interface. The purpose, main features, areas of application of МББЖ. Description, creation, and comparison with other BMS. Installation and recovery methods. Logical and physical structure of MB. Updates and features for certain operating systems. Ensure consistency and integrity of data.
13Creation of interfaces, applications. Connect to MySQL database and execute SQL queries. Table creation, deletion. Data selection, change, input requests. Change the DB structure. Classes used in data access. MB access mechanism through ATL. Prospects of development of MB, MBBZ.
14Technological MB for automation systems. Management of processes and equipment, control of technological processes, monitoring. Sensor, controller, etc. collect, store, process and analyze data from devices. Optimum operating modes of equipment and technological processes. Automation systems settings and configuration management. Interaction between components. Storing information about events, errors and accidents.
15Technological MB on various platforms: industrial MSMS (Oracle, SQL Server, Siemens SQL), NoSQL, specialized SCADA systems (Wonderware, Siemens WinCC, Citect) and open solutions (OPC Unified Architecture, Modbus TCP, DNP3). Choose a platform. Server backup, clustering, data copying, encryption. Modern DB for system automation: PostgreSQL, Redis, Apache Cassandra, etc.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Хомоненко А.Д., Цыганков В.М., Мальцев М.Г. «Базы данных». Учебник для вузов. – М.: Корона-Принт, 2014. - 736 c.
2Крикунов М.М. Основы баз данных: учебное пособие /, А.Н. Поручиков. – Самара: Издательство Самарского университета, 2021. – 84 с.
3Бычков А. Г. Теория баз данных. Конспект лекций для студентов специальности: «5B060200 –Информатика». - Алматы: АУЭС, 2014. - 57 с.
4Зәуірбеков Н.С., Сәрсенбай А.С., Мәнжу М. Д. Мәліметтер қорын жобалау: оқу құралы. Алматы: Экономика, 2014. -228 бет
5Смайлова Ұ.М. Деректер базасын жобалау және қолдану: ERWIN, INTERBASE / FIREBIRD, DELPHI: оқу құралы. - 2-ші толық. бас. -Алматы: Асыл кітап, 2015. - 286 бет