Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
OAEST 6320 Ethnopolitical Processes in Central Asia (late 20th - early 21st centuries) Екінші курс 10 300 2 4 0
Course Descriptions
Bazarbayev Kanat

The content of the discipline deals with the problems of ethnic territories and statehood of the ethnic groups of the region in the course of historical development, ethnopolitical processes, ethnocultural and interfaith processes, dynastic governance, changes in various components in the development of traditional culture and the form of ethnic processes. In addition, the connection of ethnic society with political, and socio-economic development, the types of main factors influencing changes, and ways of regulating interethnic relations within the state are studied

Group work, pair work, lightning questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental teaching methods, poster defence, jigsaw puzzles, creative teaching methods, cloud technology, IT method, group project method, problem solving method, mini research method, project work method, professional development method, Notetaking techniques, Dvolver moviemaker, Numeriser, Think-Pair-Share method, PPP method, Task-based Learning method.

11- Conducts scientific research in the field of humanitarian subjects, can use modern methods, tools and forms of teaching within the updated content of secondary school, comprehensively studies, analyzes, systematizes educational and scientific data
22- Knows and knows the methodologies, tools and problems related to all chronological periods of history, and also knows them within the framework of qualifications, can solve the problems of practical organization of these knowledge and concepts
33- Has the ability and business to independently research the materials necessary for the preparation of the updated content of education, looks for new forms and methods of criterion evaluation technology: project method, critical thinking technology, implements the use of information technologies.
44- demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the main trends in the field of humanities, develops evidence while analyzing the views of famous historians, can organize the ability to interpret these issues, events, ideas and theories in different ways.
55- knows the methodologies, tools and problems related to all chronological periods of history, as well as knows them within the framework of qualifications, acquires these knowledge and concepts at a professional level, and can connect historical phenomena and events.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Central Asian countries are on the verge of the collapse of the Soviet UnionАуызша
2Creation of the Union of Central Asian countriesАуызша
3The role of regional integration for Central Asian countries and its effective directionsАуызша
4Kazakhstan, UzbekistanАуызша
5Turkmenistan, KyrgyzstanАуызша
6Independent Central Asian countries in the regional security systemАуызша
7New integration proposals in the context of today's geopolitical changesАуызша
8The current policy of the great powers in Central AsiaАуызша
9Cooperation in the field of culture of Central Asian countriesАуызша
10Central Asia is on the path of unified integrationАуызша
11Relations between the European Union and Central Asian countriesАуызша
12Relations in the field of education of Central Asian countriesАуызша
13Cooperation between NATO and Central Asian countriesАуызша
14The pattern of nationalistic cultural relations of Central Asian countriesАуызша
15A new direction of cultural relations between Kazakhstan and the Asian regionАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Orta Aziya halıqtarının tarixı men étnografïyası, oqwkuralı. 2017. K.Kalşabaeva
2Türik memleketteriniñ tarihi - Almatı, 2014.Dinaşeva L.
3Istorïya Centralnoy Azii: uçebnoe posobie, 2017. K.T. Jumagylov, F.N. Miymanbaeva R.S. Jarqınbaeva R.O. Sadıqova.
4Ortalık Aziya örkenieti negizderinin erekshelikteri: monografïya. 2016. S.Abwşaripulı
5Ortalıq Aziya men Kıtay arasındağı baylanıstar (1992-2010). Monografïya - Almatı : Kazaq wn-ti, 2019. Omarova, M. A.