Pre-School Education and Upbringing
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MZhDBTDA 2240 The methodology of speech development of preschool children. Екінші курс 7 210 2 3 0
Course Descriptions
Khalilayeva Elmira Zhakhanovna

The discipline forms students' deep understanding of the laws of pedagogical activity aimed at the development of speech in preschool children and develops the most effective means, methods and techniques of speech development on a scientific and pedagogical basis.  As a result of studying the course, students master effective technologies for the formation of grammatical aspects of children's speech, methodological and practical skills for the implementation of modern programs in the field of language education for children.

Basics of literacy

Preschool pedagogy

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

         The teacher of the subject can change the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time of introduction of specialized adaptation subjects (modules) for students with disabilities in cooperation with structural departments.

1- demonstrate the ability to work in a team and strive for professional and personal growth (LO7);
2-plans educational processes using modern educational methods and technologies (LO8);
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The methodology of speech development of preschool children is a pedagogical science, a scientific discipline that studies the peculiarities of children's speech development.презентация
2The formation of the methodology of speech development of preschoolers as a scienceБиблиография
3The state compulsory standard of preschool education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Сұрақ-жауап
4Research methods methods of speech development of preschoolersСұрақ-жауап
5Forms of organization of work on speech development in kindergarten.Сұрақ-жауап
6Types and means of methods and techniques of speech development of preschoolers.Сұрақ-жауап
7Methods of increasing children's vocabularyпрезентация
8The method of forming the grammatical structure of the wordtest
9The method of forming the grammatical structure of a wordСөздік
10Methods of teaching children coherent speechАуызша
11Methods of working with fictionЖазбаша
12Teaching children to read and writeБиблиография
13Diagnosis of speech development in preschoolersСұрақ-жауап
14Planning and accounting of speech development workАуызша
15Methodological guidance on speech development in preschool organizationstest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Jazdykbaeva M. methodology of language development of preschool children. Training manual. - Turkestan, 2018.
2Meterbayeva K., Iskakova A. methodology for the development of the language of preschool children. Training manual. Astana, 2017.
3Gogoberidze A. G., Solntsevoy O. V..Doshkol pedagogy with the basics of teaching and learning: teacher. - SPB, 2021.
4Bisembaeva zh. K.methodology of language development of preschool children. Educational and methodical manual. - Kostanay 2019.
5Erkibayeva G. G. method of work with text. Educational and methodological support. Turkestan, 2020. - 80s.
6Kondrashova N. V. practice on preschool pedagogy. Educational and methodical post, 2018.
7Sakhitzhanova S. methods of literary reading in primary grades. Educational and methodical manual. - Shymkent, World -2023. 135B.
8Russian language for doshkolnikov.(senior group): educational and methodological support./ A. Kambarovna, Z. N. Tursymbekova – Almaty, LANTAR Trade LLP, 2020-201c.