Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
МТОС 2292 Methodology of teaching chemistry Екінші курс 6,00 180 1 3 -
Course Descriptions
Sarbaeva Gulnar Tursynbaevna

The purpose of the discipline is to master general and individual methods of teaching methods, types of control and accounting of students ' knowledge, the ability to analyze the lesson. Understands the main factors of substances and their transformation, chemical concepts, the essence of theories and laws of chemistry. Strengthens the teaching of the scientific basis of chemical production, teaching chemistry in connection with life, develops skills and skills.

Methodology for conducting a chemical experiment at school
Methodology for solving chemistry problems

Introduction to the profession

narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1Secondary School knows the structure and content of the chemistry course, methods of teaching chemistry, types of assessment and supervision of students ' knowledge and plans chemical experiments, predicts the results, introduces effective and understandable methods for solving problems, applies in practice;
2understands the main factors of substances and their transformation, chemical concepts, the essence of theories and laws of chemistry;
3studies and applies in practice the methodology of teaching chemical concepts, theories of chemistry and the laws of chemistry.
4on applied aspects of the methodology of teaching pedagogy and chemistry, understands scientific methods, applies pedagogical strategies in solving problems;
5effectively organizes a short-term lesson plan in accordance with the content of the chemistry program in a didactic way.
6identifies the most effective methods of teaching chemistry, learns oral and written forms of control over students ' knowledge,new approaches;knows the calculation and experimental tasks of the school chemistry course, the methodology for solving Olympiad and complex tasks.
7considers general and individual problems, methods of teaching methods, Masters the criterion-based assessment of students ' knowledge, analysis of the lesson;
8uses the results of monitoring research in the planning and implementation of scientific research, using knowledge about the purpose, content, methods, forms and means of teaching, the activities of the teacher and students;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Methodology of teaching chemistry as a science and academic discipline. Tasks,research problems and stages of development of Chemical Education.Ауызша
2methods of pedagogical research.презентация
3methods of teaching chemistry, signs with their criteria.Сұрақ-жауап
4features of the curriculum of the discipline 'chemistry' within the framework of updating the content of Education (in grades 7-11)Ауызша
5didactic principles in teaching chemistry.test
6methodology for studying and studying the periodic law, periodic system and atomic structure of D. I. MendeleevСұрақ-жауап
7application of the Digital Learning System in teaching. Systematic verification of students ' knowledge and skillsпрезентация
8development of the concept of a chemical reaction.презентация
9the system of forms of teaching chemistry in organizations of General (secondary)education. The lesson is the main form of teaching chemistry.Ауызша
10school lectures are like a form of teaching chemistry. Its types and signs.презентация
11development of the student's personality in the process of teaching Himya. Professional orientation of the student in the process of teaching chemistry.Сөздік
12Topseruen as a form of teaching chemistry, its features. Classification of topsurfers conducted on the subject of chemistry.Ауызша және жазбаша
13interactive methods and technologies used in Chemistry Lessonstest
14extracurricular work on the subject of Chemistry, its types.Жазбаша
15some methodological problems of teaching the course of organic chemistrytest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Shokybayev H.A., Onerbayeva Z.O., Ilyassova G.U. Teaching Methods of Chemistry. 2016. 271р.
2Berdi D. K., Zhylysbaeva G. N., Mukhamedzhanov B. K. methods of teaching chemistry. Training manual. 2014.
3Abyzbekova G. M., Arynova K. Sh.'methodology of using digital educational technologies in teaching chemistry in high school'. Electronic textbook for students of the specialty '5b01120-chemistry' - electronic text data (3.66 MB). - Approved by the scientific and methodological seminar of the Department 'chemistry and ecology', 2014.
4Madykhanova K. S., Abdurazova A. P., Koblanova O. N. methods of teaching chemistry at the University. - Zhetysai: Syrdarya University, 2014.
5Espenbetova Sh. O.methodology of teaching general chemistry: educational and methodological complex. - Kyzylorda, 2013.