Music Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MSHT 4321 Analysis of musical works төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
senior lecturer Sabyr Myrzabek

It is studied in order to form skills of understanding the principles of the structure of a musical work, their historical development. Knowledge of the structure and principles of perception of musical form is the basis for professional pedagogical, educational, research and musical activities. The knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the discipline are a necessary stage for various forms of research and methodological work, pedagogical practice.



Teamwork, critical thinking, brainstorming, developmental learning method, professional skills improvement method, modular learning technology.

1Рlans the educational process using innovative technologies in the field of music education, contributing to the development of musical creativity, emotional expressiveness (LO10).
2Сonducts research work in the field of music pedagogy in the educational sphere (LO13).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1About the musical structure: caesura, motif, submotiv, melody, theme, repetition, development, generalization.Practical
2Period and sentence. Period harmony: homogeneity or modulation period. Analysis of works.Practical
3Reprise, introduction and Coda in period. Analysis of works.Practical
4Simple two-part structure. The structure of the first part, the second part. Analysis of works.Practical
5The simplest three-part form, its types and features. Exposition-middle part-reprise.Practical
6The concept of variation. The theme and processing techniques of strict variation.Practical
7Free variation: analysis of works of musical, genre, etc.Practical
8Genres in various musical forms: March, dance, song. Vocal forms: song, Aria, arioso, recitative, Cavatina. Analysis of muses worksPractical
9Rondo, its structural features. Analysis.Practical
10The structure of the main theme and episodes of Rondo. Analysis of musical works.Practical
11Sonata structure. Old and New sonata form. Exposure, its structure.Practical
12Sonata. The main, connecting, auxiliary and final parties.Practical
13Processing (razrabotka). The principles of its structure and development of the musical theme.Practical
14Reprise, its full or incomplete formsPractical
15Synthetic forms: opera, cantata, oratorio, Symphony. Conclusion.Practical
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Methodin I. Musical form. – Moscow, 2016.
22. Mazel A. The structure of musical works. - Moscow, 2014.
33. Skrebkov A. Textbook of polyphony. Textbook for universities. – Moscow, 2018. – 534 p.
44. Musical form. – Moscow, 2014. – 148 p.