Chemistry Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MMTTGICh 5307 Methodology and modern technologies of teaching General and inorganic chemistry Екінші курс 6 180 1 2 -
Course Descriptions
Nurdillayeva R.N.

The study of the discipline forms knowledge about the conceptual and theoretical foundations of teaching general and inorganic chemistry, its place and value in the system of chemical education, the current state of methods of teaching chemistry. Students will learn how to implement the basic theoretical laws of chemistry and modern educational methods in combination with pedagogical innovative technologies, independently carry out research activities using modern research methods, process practical data using statistical methods.



Working in a group


Technology of developmental learning

Problem-based learning method

1Analyzes the main directions of chemical education in the process of innovative transformations in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, masters modern educational methods and pedagogical technologies in the learning process;
2Interprets scientific theories and concepts in the relevant specialized field of pedagogy and chemistry, organizes integrated learning in a subject context;
3He is able to organize, scientifically and methodically evaluate new teaching methods as the main resource for professional improvement.
4He is able to form new thinking and action skills in education based on the competence-based results of the discipline methodology and modern technologies of teaching general and inorganic chemistry;
5Discusses the scientific and methodological aspects of studying the technology of production of inorganic substances, qualifies the logic of implementation;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Modern methodological approaches to the formation of the main tasks and goals of teaching inorganic chemistrytest
2Structural and logical connection and continuity of the content of educational material in the school-university education systemпрезентация
3Current content of the general and inorganic chemistry course at the UniversityБиблиография
4Methodological aspects of teaching the topic of chemical bondingСұрақ-жауап
5Teaching methods of the main chapters of inorganic chemistry: solutions, electrolytic dissociationАуызша
6Methodological aspects of studying the topic of salt hydrolysisЖазбаша
7Redox reactions. Methods of teaching the topic of electrode processesАуызша және жазбаша
8The methodology of teaching the topic of the main elements of the subgroupСұрақ-жауап
9The methodology of teaching the topic 'Elements of an additional subgroup'презентация
10Innovative technologies in teaching chemistry at the universitytest
11Modern organizational form of interactive teaching of inorganic chemistryСұрақ-жауап
12Questions of the organization of laboratory work in distance learningАуызша
13Methods of teaching inorganic chemistry in EnglishЖазбаша
14CLIL methodology in teaching inorganic chemistryАуызша және жазбаша
15Scientific and methodological aspects of studying the technology of production of inorganic substancesпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Qurmanalıev M.Q., Myrzahmetova N.O. Hımıany oqytý teorıasy men ádistemesi. Oqý quraly.2-shi ster. bas. -Almaty: Álmanah, 2021 - 321 b
2Bóribekova F.B., Janatbekova N.J. Qazirgi zamanǵy pedagogıkalyq tehnologıalar. Oqý quraly. Almaty, 2014.
3Berdi D.Q., Jylysbaeva G.N., Mýhamedjanov B.Q. Hımıany oqytý ádistemesi. Oqý quraly. Shymkent, 2014.
4Kıraýbaeva A. Kasymbek A. Matbek N.K. Pándi oqytýdyń zamanaýı izdenister: tehnologıa jáne jańashyldyq: Oqýlyq. 2020.
5Taýbaeva Sh. Pedagogıkalyq zertteýlerdiń ádisnamasy men ádisteri: oqýlyq. 2019.
6Sýleımenova O.Iasýleımenova U.Ia. Hımıa dıdaktıkasynyń qysqasha kýrsy: Oqýquraly. Almaty, 2017.