Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MMA 4399 Mathematical Methods of Mechanics төртінші курс 3 90 1 1 0
Course Descriptions

Considering the use of vector functions, boundary and initial conditions in solving problems of mathematical physics, students are taught to use their theoretical knowledge in the field of engineering and production based on the implementation of interdisciplinary connections. As a result of studying the subject, students learn the rules of the general and theoretical physics course, using mathematical apparatus and mathematical methods, to solve complex problems.

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1PON 1- determines the content, types, laws, principles, technologies of scientific research work;
2PON 2 - shows the consideration of the basic knowledge related to the field of physics in the organization of research work;
3PON 3 - explains the relationship between the main scientific concepts of physics and the general problems of society's development;
4PON4 - solves various applied problems and uses the obtained results in practice, and also analyzes scientific information to set new tasks.
5PON5 - defines physical laws and methods in their new scientific results, constructs conclusions in the form of conclusions based on strictly preserved academic writing skills, systematically presents research results in the form of articles, reports
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Mechanics of material point. Mechanics of the system of material points and its connection.
2Lagrange equations and variational principles
3Hamilton's principle
4Derivation of Lagrange equations from Hamilton's principle. Generalization of Hamilton's principle to non-conservative and non-holomorphic systems
5Equations of motion and first integrals. One-dimensional equivalent problem and classification of orbits. Virial theorem
6Bringing the scattering problem to the laboratory coordinate system Kinematics of rigid body motion
7Cayley-Klein parameters Euler's theorem of rigid body motion Infinitely few turns The rate of change of the vector Coriolis force Equations of motion of a rigid body
8A general method for solving the motion problem of a rigid body. Euler's equations Free motion of a rigid body
9Cyclic coordinates and the Rous method Hamiltonian conservation theorems and physical meaning Derivation of Hamilton's equations from the variational principle. The principle of least action Canonical transformations
10Infinite canonical transformations. Stability of movement and properties of symmetry. Poisson's brackets and kinetic moment
11Action variables are angle Other properties of action variables are angle Kepler's problem in action angle variables
12Free vibration of a triatomic molecule Involuntary oscillations and dissipative forces. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods for continuous systems and fields Transition from discrete to continuous system Lagrange equations for continuous systems
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Стрелков С.П. Механика. Изд.4-е., стер. СПб.:Лань, 2005г.
22. Савельев И.В. Курс общей физики.Т.1, изд. 5-е., стер. СПб.:Лань, 2006г.
33. Савельев И.И. Жалпы физика курсы. Алматы: Мектеп. 1-том. 1989, 508 б.; 2-том 1977, 432 б.
44. Фриш С.Э., Тиморева А.В. Жалпы физика курсы Алматы, Мектеп, 1-том 1971, -500 б.; 2 том. 1970, 532 б.
55. Фриш С.Э., Тиморева А.В. Курс общей физики. Т-1, изд., 11-е., стер. СПб.:Лань, 2006г.
66. Гершензон Е.М., Малов Н.Н. Курс общей физики, механика. Алматы:Білім, 1996 ж.