Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MI 1266 Mathematics II Бірінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
C. of ph. and M.S Nurmanov O.

The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form undergraduate students' understanding of modern mathematics as a whole as a logically compact system of knowledge about the laws of nature.This knowledge and skills necessary for applying the laws of mathematics to the creation of new technologies and the management of technical means should be considered as the basis for successful professional activity of graduates of this specialty.


Mathematics I

Teamwork, discussion, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method, poster protection, jigsaw method ,creative learning methods, modular learning technology.

For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the implementation of specialized adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed by the subject teacher.

1Forms the ability to actively purposeful learning.
2Explains the management of information individually and in a group, the process or ways of distributing digital technologies.
3Using theoretical and experimental research methods.
4The development of technologies and methods of teaching information technology tools can change independently.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Definition, domain, limit and continuity of a function of several variables.
2Independent derivative functions of many variables, full differential. The theorem is a mixed product
3Differentiation of complex and indefinite functions. Derived from Gradient.
4Differential equations. Common concepts. Integrable differential equations of the first order. Complete differential equations. Special solutions.
5Differential equations of higher order. Cauchy's problem. Linear differential equations of higher order.
6Higher-order non-homogeneous higher-order differential equations with constant coefficients.
7Definition, area of definition, limit and continuity of functions of many variables.
8Double integrals. Properties of double integrals.
9The triple integral. Theorem about the existence of the triple integral.
10Applications of double and triple integrals
11Rows Numerical row, its compactness, signs of compactness
12There are alternating signs. Leibniz's Theorem.
13Functional series
14Functional series
15Taylor and McLaurin series.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Aıdos E.J..Joǵary matematıka-2: Oqýlyq.-3kitapta. 2-kitap. 7 bas., óńd., tolyqt. - Almaty : Bastaý, 2016j. Vysshaıa matematıka: elementy lıneınoı algebry opredelıtelı ı matrısy. Ýchebno-metodıcheskoe posobıe. / - Týrkestan, 2014g.
2Mýsın A. T. Matematıka 2. Oqý quraly. - Almaty : Dáýir, 2012j.
3Kólekeev K. D., Nýrýllaev A. N., Marasýlov A., Qýatbekov B. N., Muzdybekova S. T.,Joǵary matematıka: syzbalyq algebra elementteri. Anyqtýyshtar jáne matrısalar. Oqý-ádistemelik qural. Q.A.Iasaýı atyndaǵy Halyqaralyq qazaq-túrik ýnıversıteti, 2014j.