Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MFET 3292 Physical Experiment Technique in School. Үшінші курс 8 240 1 0 4
Course Descriptions
Kurbanbekov B

The discipline teaches students to study experimental methods of teaching sections of the school physics course and its place in the system of teaching methods, the structure and objectives of scientific and educational physical experiment. Owns the system and features of the educational experiment in secondary education organizations, the technique and technology of demonstration, frontal, virtual laboratory work, scientific and pedagogical experimental research for the ability to formulate physical processes and phenomena.



narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, reporting.

1Able to use types of information and communication technologies in their personal professional fields: internet resources, cloud and mobile services for searching, storing, protecting and distributing information;
2Importance of pedagogical research in teaching physics. Creation of components of pedagogical research in teaching physics
3Comparing the differences between practical and scientific-pedagogical research
4Determination of the topic of research. Determining the relevance of the research topic. Explains the purpose of the research according to the achieved result of the research
5Students can be assigned frontal laboratory work and physical practicum work at school.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Physical demonstration experiment, its importance in teaching physics, methodological requirements for it
2Frontal clinical works, experiences and observations,
3physical practicum, experiments and observations, home experiments and observations
4Pressure in liquids and gases
5Heat transfer and work
6Basic principles of molecular-kinetic theory
7Fundamentals of thermodynamics
8Electrical measuring devicesElectrical measuring devices
10Current, voltage, resistance
11Electrical switchboard
12Electromagnetic phenomena
13Electromagnetic induction and self-induction, self-induction
15Geometric optics
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Т.А. Тұрмамбеков, Ә.Х. Сарыбаева, М.О. Беркинбаев. Жалпы физика курсынан зертханалық практикум – І. –Түркістан, 2017. – 101 б.
22. Т.А. Тұрмамбеков, Ә.Х. Сарыбаева, М.О. Беркинбаев. Жалпы физика курсынан зертханалық практикум – ІІ. –Түркістан, 2017. – 154 б.
33. Ә.Х. Сарыбаева, Т.А. Тұрмамбеков. Мектептегі физикалық эксперименттер техникасы. - Түркістан: Тұран, 2015 ж. – 96 б
44. Ә.Х. Сарыбаева, Раманкулов, Ш.Ж. Мектеп физика курсындағы компьютерлік модельдеу және эксперимент. 2018 ж. - 124б
55. А. Н. Филанович, А. А. Повзнер. Виртуальный физический эксперимент: учебное пособие. - Екатеринбург: УрФУ, 2013 г. - 272 с.
66. И. Поярков, И. Корзун, М. Исатаев, О. Федеренко. Общий физический практикум. 2012 г. – 134 с.
77. Балажигитова Н.К., Бейбитов Б.С. Физика пәнінен зертханалық және тәжірибелік жұмыстарға арналған көмекші құрал – Алматы, ССК, 2019. -72 бет.
88. В.С. Ким. Виртуальные эксперименты в обучении физике. Монография. – Уссурийск: Изд. Филиала ДВФУ в г. Уссурийске, 2012 г. –184 с.