Digital Media and TV, Radio Journalism
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
МЕ2208 Media ethics Екінші курс 4 120 0 0 3
Course Descriptions
Azhar Akhmet

The purpose of the subject is to educate students on ethics and the moral and ethical duties of a professional journalist, deepening the concepts of ethics and aesthetics, and the legal foundations of journalistic ethics. Adopted codes of ethics and journalists are aimed at providing broad information within the framework of ethical norms encountered in the course of their activities. Based on the Ethical Code of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ethical Code of International Journalism, training has a theoretical character.


Introduction to Journalism

narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, game, interview.

1PON 1 - learns and understands the ability to analyze and evaluate the values of digital media with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, according to the specific features of modern social media tools;
2PON 2 – Understands how to go to the scene of the event and organize live broadcasting of events in order to collect social information and data, based on ethical principles;
3PON 3 – Using the knowledge gained from the subject, the student learns to establish contact with the event participants, witnesses, and other relevant sources of information in practice, to collect information, can use audio (video) equipment from the scene of the event;
4PON 4 - get acquainted with the legal norms and legislation of the country related to the media industry, analyze and understand the Code of Ethics of Kazakhstan Journalists;
5PON 5 – read and understand the international Codes of Ethics for newsmakers and media professionals;
6PON 6 - learns, analyzes, practices to check the authenticity and relevance of information used in the development of media content, to make sure of the authenticity of data;
7PON-7 - future journalists will study and understand the ethical principles followed in reporting on inter-ethnic relations, conflicts of diaspora;
8PON 8 – learns, analyzes and understands the ethical requirements encountered in the course of journalistic research and information gathering, adaptation of prepared (including personal) materials (scripts) for content optimization;
9PON 9 – learns and understands ethical dilemmas from the point of view of freedom of speech and limitations in journalism;
10PON 10 - media management and ethics, remembers, considers and understands the principles of media ethics encountered in media funding, advertising, sensational information publication;
11PON-11 - analyzes and applies the problem of data authenticity of the media in line with world trends.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1A general concept of ethics. Introduction to Media Ethicsпрезентация
2Basic concepts in the law on mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Correlation of the Law on Media and the Code of Ethics of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Ауызша
3World Media Lawsпрезентация
4Journalist creativity and ethical normsАуызша
5Journalist's ethical norms during information gathering and researchпрезентация
6Freedom of expression and restrictions on journalism, right of access to informationЖазбаша
7Ethics and politics: 'political games', information manipulation, distortion of facts.Жазбаша
8Media and professional integrityпрезентация
9Media finance and ethics (Advertiser pressure on the media, Internal censorship)Жазбаша
10Immersive Journalism and EthicsАуызша
11Privacy etiquette and public law. The right to publish video, photo; copyright etcпрезентация
12Ethics of work with sources: (identification of suspects in the event of a request for anonymity, non-disclosure)Жазбаша
13Social Media Etiquette: Media Crowdsourcing, Mistakes, and Professional Behavior.Ауызша
14Cross-ethnic, gender, cross-religious, writing topics and ethical issuesпрезентация
15Conclusion. Society and Journalism: An Analysis of World Codes of Ethics.Жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Медиа және журналистика: теория мен практикаға жаңа көзқарас. Оқу құралы. - Алматы: «Ұлттық аударма бюросы» қоғамдық қоры, 2019. Ж. Бейнбриж, Н. Гок, Л. Тайнан.
22. Ошанова.О.Ж. БАҚ заңнамасы және этика: оқу құралы. Алма ты:Қазақ университеті,2020
33. Медиа этика. Жас мамандардың тәжірибесінен. Оқу құралы. – Алматы, 2018 Ли Энн Пэк, Гай С.Рил. 2-басылым.
44. Этика журналиста. Учебное пособие. – Алматы, 2020. Дудинова Е.
55. Дудинова Е.И. Этика журналистика: учебное пособие. Алматы:Қазақ университеті,2020
66. Жақсылықбаева, Р. С. Журналист этикасы. Оқу құралы [Текст] / Р. С. Жақсылықбаева. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. - 140 с.
77. Уайдин, У. Журналист әдебі: Иман-инабат иірімдері және баспасөз. Оқу құралы. [Текст] / У. Уайдин. - Алматы : Қазақ ун-ті, 2021. - 134 с.