Pre-School Education and Upbringing
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
MDBBUB 2231 Organization and management of preschool education Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Esetova Saltanat Makhambetovna

The discipline forms a general idea of management as a science with modern management and organization tasks, provides scientific and practical training of students to perform managerial activities in the preschool education system, contributes to increasing interest in professional organizational activities. At the end of the course, students form competencies in the management of a preschool organization and leadership in its various links, master the system of knowledge about the field of education, as well as methods of pedagogical diagnostics and optimization of the work of the team.



Group work, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental teaching method, poster protection, puzzle method, creativity teaching methods, case study method, group project work method, modular teaching technology.

1- takes into account the psychophysiological and age characteristics of preschool children and organizes pedagogical processes (LO5);
2-plans educational processes using modern educational methods and technologies (LO8);
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Concept of managementпрезентация
2Management and communication.презентация
3Scientific bases of preschool organization managementпрезентация
4'Law on Education' of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Библиография
5RK МЖМБС 1.001- 2009 - Pre-school education and training.Ауызша және жазбаша
6Regulatory documents of a preschool organizationЖазбаша
7The head of the pre-school institution and types of work of the methodologist.Ауызша
8Internal work order and work schedule for preschool organization employees.Ауызша және жазбаша
9PlanningАуызша және жазбаша
10Opening and normalization of preschool organizationЖазбаша
11Sanitary rules of preschool organization.Ауызша
12Reception and classification of children in preschool institutions.презентация
13Organization and supervision of meals in pre-school organizationsпрезентация
14Funding of preschool organization.Сөздік
15Organization of work with parents in a preschool organizationtest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11.Alkozhaeva N. S., Zhumabekova K. B. pedagogical management. Training manual. Almaty, 2018.
22. Almetov N. Sh..Pedagogical management. Training manual. Almaty: TechSmith-2022,- 116B.
33. Bolatbaeva A. A., Taubaeva Sh. T., Sadvakasova Z. M.. Strategic Management in educational institutions. Training manual. - Almaty: Kazakh university, 2017 – - 148p.
44. Modern control systems. - Almaty, 2016 Dorf R. K.
55. Beisembayeva S. theory of leadership. 'I don't know,' he said. Turkestan 2020
66. Torybaeva zh. Z., Ortaev B. T. management of the educational process of a modern Higher School: a manual (reprinted with additions). - Almaty: lancar Trade LLP, -2021.-191 P.
77. Arzikulova R. K. Isaeva A. T. time management. The purpose of the event: - Almaty: ADAL KITAP, 2022. - 236 pages.