Electrical Power Engineering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
M 1266 Mathematics I Бірінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
C. of ph. and M.S Nurmanov O.

Students' mastering of the basic methods of mathematical analysis, elements of analytical geometry and linear algebra. Develop logical thinking and develop skills of working with abstract concepts of higher mathematics. Be able to apply the methods of higher mathematics in the formulation and solution of applied problems.


Mathematics II

1. Teamwork

2.Discussion brainstorming

3. Blitz questions

4. Critical thinking

5. Brainstorming

6. Stage of the case

7.Developing learning method

1Forms the ability for goal-oriented active learning.
2Explains the management of information individually and in a group, the process or ways of disseminating digital technologies.
3Can regulate issues in personal, cultural and professional communication areas.
4Establish successful academic, professional and social relations in the state and foreign languages.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Matrices and determinants and the application of operations on them
2Linear algebraic equations and solution methods
3Vector algebra. Basic concepts of a vector. The coordinate system.
4Multiplication of vectors.Geometric and mechanical values of the product of vectors.
5Equations of a straight line on a plane, mutual arrangement
6Equations of a straight line and a plane in space, applications.Second-order curves
7Introduction to analysis.The concept of a set.The limit of the numerical sequence. Function. Intermediate Control
8The continuity of a function between a point and a number. Ideal limits
9Derivative and differential of a function at a point
10Higher order derivatives and differentials. The Lopital rule.
11Indefinite integral, its basic properties
12Integration methods. Direct integration.
13Integration of fractional-rational and irrational functions
14A definite integral, its properties
15Application of a certain integral. Integrals without property. The volume of the body of rotation.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Aıdos E.J..Joǵary matematıka-2: Oqýlyq.-3kitapta. 2-kitap. 7 bas., óńd., tolyqt. - Almaty : Bastaý, 2016j.
2Kólekeev K. D., Nýrýllaev A. N., Marasýlov A., Qýatbekov B. N., Muzdybekova S. T.,Joǵary matematıka: syzbalyq algebra elementteri. Anyqtýyshtar jáne matrısalar. Oqý-ádistemelik qural. Q.A.Iasaýı atyndaǵy Halyqaralyq qazaq-túrik ýnıversıteti, 2014j.
3Kólekeev K.D., Nýrýllaev A.N., Marasýlov A., Qýatbekov B.N., Muzdybekova S.T. Vysshaıa matematıka: elementy lıneınoı algebry opredelıtelı ı matrısy. Ýchebno-metodıcheskoe posobıe. / - Týrkestan, 2014g