English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
LEIE 3211 Literary Essay in English төртінші курс 5 150 0 3 0
Course Descriptions
Kurban Arujan

In this course, students receive in-depth knowledge about the essay, how the essay differs from the article other works in this genre, and learn how to write an essay in English. Students learn to properly cover topics, make arguments and argue them, and draw conclusions on a particular problem of a social, cultural or historical plan, which in turn develops imagination and helps students develop analytical thinking skills.



1. work in group, learning and study
2. critical thinking, brainstorming
3. developmental teaching method
4. puzzle method, creative teaching methods
5. mini-research method
6. TBL-Task based learning

11 - forms and develops listening and speaking, reading and writing skills through the development of grammatical, phonetic and vocabulary knowledge; performs phonetic;
22 - morphemic syntactic and component analysis; actualizes practical and professional knowledge;
33 – аpplication of communication skills in society and professional environment; аpplication of knowledge in the field of Russian, foreign languages, communication technologies, pedagogical rhetoric and conflict management;
44 – realization of skills and abilities within the framework of a constructive dialogue; ability and tolerance for pedagogical cooperation.
55 – рerforms all types of speech activities that carry out oral and written forms of language skills as reading, writing, speaking and listening;
66 – communicates fluently in the language environment and use various dictionaries effectively; performs written and oral extra-linguistic forms of communicative speech activity with the use of modern information and pedagogical technologies;
77 – analyzes and demonstrates alternative translation in the context of cross-cultural communication, technology, types of interpretation and translation.
88 – аnalyzes literary research in the field of literary studies and Philology and language phenomena of a foreign language;
99 – discusses and analyzes foreign literature and Kazakh literature on a story - driven and motivated level;
1010 - performs literary and stylistic analysis of the work; uses the basic principles, directions and ideas of literature, methods of teaching foreign language and literature, modern methods and modern technologies in their training.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1What is a Paragraph? Parts of a Paragraph Supporting techniques.
2From Topic into Topic Sentence Topic sentence and Main Idea
3Identifying Irrelevant Sentences Identifying Suitable Topic Sentences
4Cohesion and Coherence
5Signaling Words
6What is enumeration? Equal Order, Ascending Order, Descending Order
7Methods of Organization, Classification, Cause and effect
8Supporting Techniques, Including charts and diagrams
9Interpreting a Pie Graph
10Use of Facts and Statistics
11Conclusion Paragraphs. Paragraph Relationships in an essay
12Referencing, Quoting and Plagiarism
13Sample Expository Essays, Definition, Process, Cause & Effect, Classification, Comparison Contrast
14Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay
15Practice Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay. A Model Argumentative Essay
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Contemporary stylistics. Оқулық. Edinburg University Press, 2018. Alison Gibbons and Sara. Whitley.
2The Western Literary Tradition. Hackett Publishing. Оқулық. Company, 2020, Margaret L. King.
3The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics. Оқулық. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Peter Stockwell, Sarah Whiteley.
4Stylistics. A resource book for students. Taylor & Francis e-library, 2014, library2.ru.ayu.edu.kz
5English Stories: Оқу-әдістемелік құрал. Shymkent: Typography, 'Alem', 2018, Meirekov Akylbek, Kairatbekovich
6English-Kazakh Dictionary, Almaty, Kazgurt, 2018.
7Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. New 9th edition. Oxford University Press, 2015.
8Stylistics. A resource book for students. Taylor & Francis e-library, 2014, library.ayu.edu.kz