Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KTSMBTZMHHG5316 Problems of Researching the History of Kazakh-Turkish Political and Cultural Relations (XVII-XXI centuries) Бірінші курс 7 210 2 2 0
Course Descriptions
Bazarbayev Kanat

The course content is analyzed from the point of view of new scientific approaches to historical political and cultural ties in order to restore historical events that are the beginning of historical ties between the two countries in order to restore the interrupted traditional relations. Conducts research over the years of independence on well-established strategic partnerships and friendly relations, culture and art, knowledge and science, MMI and press information, religion and spiritual ties, and official interstate relations.

History of ethno-political processes in Central Asia (end of XIX century, beginning of XX century)

Group work, pair work, lightning questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental teaching methods, poster defence, jigsaw puzzles, creative teaching methods, cloud technology, IT method, group project method, problem solving method, mini research method, project work method, professional development method, Notetaking techniques, Dvolver moviemaker, Numeriser, Think-Pair-Share method, PPP method, Task-based Learning method.

11- Conducts scientific research in the field of humanitarian subjects, can use modern methods, tools and forms of teaching within the updated content of secondary school, comprehensively studies, analyzes, systematizes educational and scientific data.
22- Knows and knows the methodologies, tools and problems related to all chronological periods of history, and also knows them within the framework of qualifications, can solve the problems of practical organization of these knowledge and concepts
33- Has the ability and business to independently research the materials necessary for the preparation of the updated content of education, looks for new forms and methods of criterion evaluation technology: project method, critical thinking technology, implements the use of information technologies
44- demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the main trends in the field of humanities, develops evidence while analyzing the views of famous historians, can organize the ability to interpret these issues, events, ideas and theories in different ways.
55- knows the methodologies, tools and problems related to all chronological periods of history, as well as knows them within the framework of qualifications, acquires these knowledge and concepts at a professional level, and can connect historical phenomena and events.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1History of Kazakh-Turkish political and cultural relationsАуызша
2Formation and structure of the Kazakh diaspora in TurkeyАуызша
320th century and finally, the history of Kazakh-Turkish relations, directions of cooperation between the two countriesАуызша
4Sources and methodology of the topicАуызша
5Sources of the history of Kazakh-Turkish political and cultural relationsАуызша
6Ethnicity and linguistic kinship of Turkey with the Turkic peoplesАуызша
7The idea of the unity of the Turkic peoplesАуызша
8Methodological problems in the formation of the history of Kazakh-Turkish relationsАуызша
9The steps that bring the two countries closer are the magnitude of the political issuesАуызша
10Historical prerequisites of Kazakh-Turkish political and cultural relationsАуызша
11The role and role of ShakarimKudaiberdiuly in the history of Kazakh-Turkish cultural and spiritual relationsАуызша
12Kazakh-Turkish political and cultural relations in the 20th century (1900-1991)Ауызша
13Informal relations between Turks and Muslims of Central AsiaАуызша
14Activities of Turkish intellectuals in TurkestanАуызша
15Support of Turkey in the struggle of Turkic peoples for their independenceАуызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Jastгrıkter jаne Turkıstan ult-azattyk qozğalysy Q. Q. Bazarbaev. - Turkestan :Turanbaspasy, 2017. - 138 s.
2Türkianyn ekonomikalyq tarihy. Oku kuraly. - Şymkent: Alem, 2020. Zulpyharova, E.
3Tyrkia Respublikasy men kenes odağy qatynastary (1920-1991 j.j.), Oku kuraly. 2017. MoldadosovaA. Q.
4Turkski vklad v mirovuiu külturu i sivilizasiu: monografia, 2016. S. B.Bulekbaev
5Anadolynyñ alğaşqy jazba derekterı boiynşa Kışı Aziadağy köne örkenietter. Monografia. / A.B.Şaldarbekova. - Almaty: Evero, 2023. - 196 s.