Foreign language: two foreign languages (English - Chinese)
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KTAD 2211 Chinese Language 1 (A1 Level ) Екінші курс 3 90 - 2 -
Course Descriptions
Gulzada Zhamantayeva

Chinese level A1 is the first step in learning Chinese. At the A1 level of the Chinese language, the student, in addition to getting acquainted with the phonetics of the Chinese language and learning to write Chinese characters, forms communicative skills at the elementary level in four types of word activity: speech, listening, reading and writing. At this level, the student collects 500 characters and 800 vocabulary, is able to introduce himself, his family, compose dialogues.

Chinese I (level A2)

Practical Chinese language course

explanation, implementation of practical tasks, question and answer, Test, exchange of views, sound and visual methods, work with dialogue, dictionary.

1forms communicative skills at the elementary level in the form of speech, listening, reading and writing words the student writes and uses 500 characters correctly, learns vocabulary in the amount of 800
2in Chinese, he describes himself, his family, builds dialogues, asks questions about the family, address at the initial A1 level of the language in society and professional circles, answers
3on the basis of the practical course of the Chinese language, students will further develop their skills and qualifications in the desired communicative direction
4students are actively engaged in the activity of thinking,learning about their thoughts on certain topics
5at the A1 level of the Chinese language, the student learns the phonetics of the Chinese language, remembers Chinese characters
6in the public and professional environment, the Beginner of the language learns to ask questions at the A1 level.Asks questions systematically, gives clear answers
7mastering the ability to work in a team, learns methods of formation.When working with a group, they ask questions, make suggestions, and give answers.
8When working with a group, they ask questions, make suggestions, and give answers. she performs a role in working with the group, observing the rules, participates in discussions.
9master the A1 level of the language, apply knowledge in the language environment, in their practice
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Where is my key?Ауызшапрезентация
2The newspaper is next to the computer.Ауызша
3Does this red skirt look good?Ауызша
4This yellow sofa is very comfortableАуызша
5Cash or credit card.Ауызша
6Do you want the big one or the small oneАуызша
8How much is an apple a catty.Ауызша
9How to sell bananasАуызша
10How to get to the bankАуызша
11That white building isАуызша
12I take the bus to work.Ауызша
13How does my sister get to the airport?Ауызша
14I went on a trip to Egypt.Ауызша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Қытай тілі ( жалпыға арналған). Т.1 / Шыңжаң: Шыңжаң оқу-ағарту баспасы, 2017. - 199 с. Л. Ян, Ж. Шяужун, Ж. Иың, У. Жиңжы.
22. Қытай тілінің фонетика курсы:Қытай тілі мамандығында оқитын студенттерге арналған оқу құралы. Түркістан.2017-118с. Г.Жамантаева, А.Батаева
33. Қытай тілінде түсіндірме сөздігі. - 1058 с.
44. 金飞飞. 标准教程1,高等教育出版社,2016
5Қытай тілінің грамматикасы (морфология) Түркістан, 2018. Г.Ә.Жамантаева.