International Relations
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
KDESAEM 42101 Modern developing countries: political, social and economic issues төртінші курс 8 240 3 3 0
Course Descriptions
M. Anlamassova

The purpose of the discipline is to form an idea of the conceptual foundations and features of the socio-economic and political state of developing countries. The discipline is aimed at understanding the difference in the priorities of developing and developed countries in the field of politics, economics and social spheres. The student acquires the skills of assessment and comparative analysis of political, social and economic problems of developing countries, and ways to solve them



discussion, question-answer, problem solving, group work, brainstorming, critical thinking, case-study

1LO 1- Based on the course information, the student is expected to understand the basic definitional and conceptual information about developing countries and to create a terminological background on growth, development and modernisation. In addition, it is aimed to develop the student's ability to analyse international initiatives related to underdeveloped or developing countries;
2LO 2- After the colonial period, students are expected to understand the presence of developing countries in the international system, to comprehend the differences between these countries, to evaluate the effects of globalisation and to learn about regional/global cooperation. In addition, it is aimed to develop their ability to evaluate these issues;
3LO 3- Application of Theoretical Frameworks: Apply theoretical frameworks relevant to international relations and globalization to analyze specific case studies of foreign policy. Students will be able to use established theories to explain and predict the behavior of states in the globalized world;
4LO 4- The aim of the course is to explain the characteristics of developing countries through sample countries and to provide students with the ability to analyse and evaluate the position of developing countries in the international system by using this information.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Developing Countries: Basic Concepts and ApproachesЖазбаша
2The Changing Role of Developing Countries from Colonialism to GlobalisationАуызша және жазбаша
3Theoretical Approaches to the Problem of DevelopmentАуызша және жазбаша
4Political Problems of Developing CountriesЖазбаша
5Social Problems of Developing CountriesАуызша
6Economic Problems of Developing CountriesБиблиография
7Wave of Democratic ChangeСұрақ-жауап
8Religion and PoliticsАуызша
9Women and DevelopmentАуызша және жазбаша
10Political, social and economic problems in IndiaАуызша
11Political, social and economic problems in BrazilАуызша
12Political, social and economic problems in ChinaАуызша және жазбаша
13Political, social and economic problems in South AfricaСұрақ-жауап
14Political, social and economic problems in the Islamic Republic of Iranпрезентация
15Political, social and economic problems in MexicoАуызша және жазбаша
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Birol Akgün, Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Siyaset. Anadolu University, 2019
2Dural B., Küresel Bakış, 2017
3А.Мусинов, Халықаралық қатынастар жүйесіндегі Таяу және Орта Шығыс, Монография, 2018
4Мырзабеков М.С., Еуропалық Одақ сыртқы саясатындағы Африка, Кариб, Тынық мұхит елдері: тарихы, қазіргі мәселелері, болашағы: монография – 172 б., Алматы 2019
5Цзинь Но және т.б.; ауд. А. Тұрсынақын, Жаһандық басқару үдерісіндегі Қытайдың рөлі = China’s Leadership in Global Governance, Алматы 2020
6Салғараев М. Ресейдің сыртқы саясаты (XI ғасырдың соңы XX ғасырдың басы) / М. Сапарғалиев. оқу–әдістемелік құралы, Түркістан: ХҚТУ, 2014. – 190 с.
7Жекенов Д.Қ., Қытaй Хaлық Республикaсы «төртінші буын» бaсшылaрының сыртқы сaясaты (2003-2013 жж.), монография, Алматы 2017