Математика мұғалімдерін даярлау
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IK 2295 Integral Calculus Екінші курс 5 150 1 1
Course Descriptions
Nazarova K.J.

By studying the subject, form integral calculations of functions dependent on one variable, the ability to use the theory of integrals in geometry, physics, mechanics, and economics. Learns methods of differentiation of various functions for further study of mathematical analysis and other mathematical subjects. In the scientific and applied direction of mathematics, students practice abstract thinking and the ability to independently prove individual statements in solving problems and exercises that represent theoretical positions.

Teamwork, blitz questions, critical thinking, brainstorming, case study, developmental learning method , poster protection creativity learning methods, teamwork, cloud technology, it method, Case study Method, group project work method, professional skills improvement method, problem work method, modular learning technology.

For students with disabilities, together with structural divisions, the teaching methods, forms, type of control and amount of time for the implementation of specialized adaptive disciplines (modules) can be changed by the subject teacher.

1Solves fundamental and applied mathematical problems using basic methods and laws of mathematics (LO 9);
2Builds mathematical models of processes and phenomena in solving applied practical problems (LO 10);
3Uses theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods in the study of problems in various areas of mathematics (LO 11).
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1The concept of the first function. The concept of an indefinite integral. Properties of an undefined integral. Tabulation of the main ones of indeterminate integrals. Partial integration and variable replacement.презентация
2Integration of rational fractions Ostrogradsky method.презентация
3Integration of irrational, differentiational binomials.презентация
4Integration of trigonometric and transcendental functions.презентация
5Problems that give rise to the concept of a defined integral.The limit of the integral sum. Upper and lower integral darbu sums and their properties.презентация
6Necessary and sufficient conditions for integration. Classes of integrable functions.презентация
7Properties of the defined integral. Theorems on the mean.презентация
8A defined integral whose upper limit is a variable. Newton-Leibniz formula.презентация
9Methods for calculating the defined integral. (variable replacement, partitioning).презентация
10Approximate calculation of defined integrals. Calculation of the area of flat figures in the Cartesian coordinate system. Calculate the area of flat figures in the polar coordinate system.презентация
11Arc length and differential. Calculation of volumes.презентация
12The surface area of rotation is the center of gravity. Inertial moment.презентация
13Integrals without property, the limits of which are finite.презентация
14Integrals without absolute set property.презентация
15Integrals of unspecified functions.презентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1H.I. Ibrashev, Sh.T. Erkeǵulov. Matematıkalyq analız kýrsy. Oqýlyq. - Novoe ızd. – Almaty. Ekonomıka, 2014. 562b RMEB.
2Á.J. Ásibekov, M.D.Qoshanova. Matematıkalyq taldaý: Oqý quraly. 2018j.
3O. A. Jáýtikov. Matematıkalyq analız kýrsy. Oqýlyq.- Almaty : 'Ekonomıka' baspasy, 2014. - 832 s. RMEB.
4B.T. Qalymbetov Kóp aınymaly fýnksıalar. 'Matematıkalyq taldaý' kýrsy boıynsha oqý-ádistemelik qural. Túrkistan, 2015.