Translation Studies: the English Language
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
IDL 3301 English Lexicology Үшінші курс 5 150 1 4 0
Course Descriptions
Ermekbayeva Aisulu

The purpose of the subject of lexicology of the English language is to form students' knowledge about lexicology - a part of linguistics, which is the composition of words and vocabulary of the language. During the course, students will learn synchronous and diachronic analysis, comparative analysis; improves the skills of using methods related to studying the systematic organization of the language.



1.    narrative
2.    exchange of views
3.    discussion
4.    problematic methods.

1Forms and improves listening and speaking, reading and writing skills by improving grammatical, phonetic, lexical knowledge;
2conducts phonetic, morphematic, syntactic and component analysis; increases practical and professional qualifications.
3In relation to linguistics as a part of philology - forms theoretical knowledge about the function, nature of linguistics, various aspects and features of the theoretical aspect of linguistics;
4gathers knowledge about the content of the main directions, schools, concepts and theories of modern language education;
5improves knowledge about the structure of language and the principles of language theory as the central methodological problems of all modern science;
6Forms communication skills by developing the necessary knowledge about the main laws and mechanisms of this process, its structure and forms
7uses specific methods of effective communication and develops communication skills;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Lехісо1оgу is а Branch of Linguistics.Жазбаша
2English Word-Stock.презентация
3Word-Structure. Word-FormationАуызша
5Тhе Еtіmо1оgу of English words. Native and Loan Words.Article
6Semasiology. Change of Meaning. Polysemy and Homonymy.Article
7Synonymy and Antonymytest
8Phraseological Units. Idioms.Сұрақ-жауап
10Lexicography. General Notion.Сұрақ-жауап
11Types of Linguistic dictionariesArticle
12National and other Variants of the English Language.Article
13Territorial Dialects of the English LanguageЖазбаша
14Methods of Lexicological Analysis.Article
15Procedures of Lexicological Analysistest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1English Lexicology. Educational manual. Turkestan. Turan, 2016. KB Urazbaev
2General Еnglish linguistics. Educational methodical manual. Turkestan: Turan, 2018. K. Urazbaev, N. E. Karakulova, A. K. Kasymbekova
3English-Kazakh dictionary: İncluding about 30 000 words and phases. / Edited by Zh. Tuimebayev, G. Sagidolda. - Almaty : Kazygurt, 2018. - 632 p.
4How English Became English. Оқулық. A short history of a global language. 2016. Simon Horobin