Computer Enginering
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
GT 3201 Graph Theory Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
Associate professor A.Tolep

Aimed at introducing students to the basics of graph theory and network analysis. As a result of studying the subject, students will get practical skills to work with the Python NetworkX library to analyze and visualize social graphs. The acquired competences can be used by advertising and public relations specialists to monitor the information field and plan communication campaigns.


Discrete Mathematics

Narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods.

1Knows the basic concepts of graph theory, types of graphs and their representation methods.
2Understands the algorithms of searching for the shortest paths in graphs and finding the maximum flow in the network.
3Knows the concept of trees and the properties of trees.
4Knows the concepts of Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles and the conditions of their existence.
5Knows the concepts of planar and planar graphs, necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph to be planar, methods of estimating the chromatic number of a graph.
6Uses methods of providing graphs.
7Uses classic algorithms for solving problems of finding the shortest paths in graphs and makes their modifications.
8Able to create the smallest weight frame wood.
9Can find Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles in graphs.
10Can relate a planar graph to a plane, determine whether the graph is planar, find the optimal coloring of the graph.
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1History of graph theory. Complicity. Graphs and similar objects. Isomorphism of graphs. Valence.
2Ways to transfer graphs. Operations on graphs.
3Number of graphs. Internal graphs. Types of graphs.
4Routes, chains, cycles. Determination of route numbers. Determining the existence of routes and loops.
5Metric characteristics of a graph. Traversing the graph.
6Communication components. Connectivity in graphs and digraphs. Condensation creation algorithm. Identify the base and antibase.
7Online streams. Ford-Falkerson theorem. Algorithm for finding the maximum flow.
8Shortest paths in weighted graphs. Calculation of finding the shortest paths. Dijkstra's algorithm. Ford-Bellman algorithm.
9Trees and their properties. Centroid of trees. Prufer code.
10Problems in trees. Chaining of gnarled trees. Counting gnarled trees.
11What is the minimum. Kraskal's algorithm. Prim's algorithm. Directed, ordered and binary trees.
12Fundamental cycles and systems of fundamental sections. A set of independent cycles. Algorithm for creation of fundamental cycles. A set of independent sections. Algorithm for creation of fundamental sections.
13Euler cycles (chains). Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of Euler cycles. Algorithm for finding Euler cycles. Hamiltonian cycles. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a Hamiltonian cycle. Algorithm for finding Hamiltonian cycles (algebraic method).
14The concept of an independent (internal stability) set of vertices. Algorithm for searching maximally independent sets. The concept of a dominating (external stability) set of peaks. Algorithm for searching minimal dominating sets.
15Planar graphs. Planar graphs. Algorithm for mapping a graph to a plane. Chromatic number of a graph. Graph coloring algorithms.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1A. Tolep, B. Yeskarayeva. Graph theory. Educational tool. - Turkestan, 2019. - 115 p.
2A.Tolep, B. Yeskarayeva. Discrete mathematics. Theory and practice. -Shymkent, 2020. -132 p.
3Abildayeva G. Discrete Mathematics: An Electronic Textbook. - Karaganda: KMTU, 2017.
4Shevelev Yu. Discrete mathematics: textbook. - 4th edition, st. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2022.