Physics Teacher Education
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
FEShAN 4321 Fundamentals of Methods in Solving Physics Problems төртінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Tuyebayev M

The discipline teaches students to generalize and supplement the knowledge and skills acquired in the courses of pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching physics, practical classes in general physics in the study of solving problems of physics. Students master the general methods and methods of solving the problem of physics (quantitative, qualitative, logical, graphical, experimental), forming practical skills in the formulation of physical processes and phenomena, scientific research.



narrative, exchange of ideas, discussion, problem methods, reporting.

1Able to use physical knowledge, methods of physics recognition and practical methods of action in various situations of everyday life;
2Performs the basic laws and principles of physics by connecting its meaning with the general laws of physics in the production of any individual problem;
3Able to give a lecture on the basics of physics, organize a discussion and, having deeply mastered the subject area, evaluates one's ability and interests, can coordinate it with the demands of the society, uses the results of modern research in his professional activities;
4Determines success criteria for evaluating achievements in the field of physics education together with students;
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Generalized concept of calculation. Physical study report, its features.Ауызша
2Types of physics problems, classification on different bases.Жазбаша
3The essence of the process of making physical calculations: psychological features, didactic goals, the connection between calculations and physical theory, analysis of the content and structure of physical calculationsАуызша
4Dynamics of the system of matter pointsЖазбаша
5Ways to produce physical problemsАуызша және жазбаша
6Methods of solving problems in physics education with updated contentСұрақ-жауап
7Test (trial) tasks, general requirements for them. System of tasks with a test (test) character, methodology of using tasks with a test (test) character.презентация
8Algorithmization of calculation methodstest
9Creative problems, their typesАуызша
10Calculation (counting) and qualitative reporting methodologyЖазбаша
11Calculation (counting) and qualitative reporting methodologyАуызша
12Methodology of conducting a lesson for calculationЖазбаша
13The principle of compiling various reports: depending on the complexity, meaning, content of the material, presentation of the report terms, solution method, etc. it depends.Сұрақ-жауап
14Criteria for evaluating educational achievements in physicsпрезентация
15Criteria for evaluating educational achievements in physicstest
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. Ә. Х. Сарыбаева. Физика есептерін шығару әдістемесінің негіздері.Оқу құралы. - Түркістан: Қ.А. Ясауи атындағы ХҚТУ, 2016. - 96 с.
22. Нурланова Б.М.Тұтас орта механикасы есептерін модельдеу. Оқулық . -2013.
33. Е. А. Румбешта.Курс лекций по теории и методике обучения физике в средней школе. Учебное пособие. 2016. – 320 с
44. Ә. М. Бектенов, Б. М. Бектенов. Физика есептерін шығару - А. : ҚР ЖОО қауымдастығы, 2013. - 628 б.
55. Н. Ильясов Молекулалық физика есептерінің жинағы. -2012. – 128 б.
66. Н.А. Константинов, Т.Н. Калугин, В.Б. ХаратянПрактикум по методике решения физических задач. 2012. -285 с.
77.Физиканы оқыту әдістемесі : Оқу-әдістемелік құралы. 2015
88.Практикум по методике решения физических задач. 2012.
99.Курс лекций по теории и методике обучения физике в средней школе. 2016.