English Language and Literature
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ELI 3212 English Literature II Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Sakhitzhanova Zada

The purpose of the course is to review the literature of foreign peoples. Determination of notional indicators of works of foreign peoples and Kazakh works. Reading excerpts of works by famous foreign writers. Analysis of works. The definition of a plot and imaginative features. Content and idea, structure, artistic and aesthetic significance.

English Literature III

English Literature I

1. group work, flash questions
2. critical thinking, brainstorming
3. case study, teaching method development
4. poster protection, jigsaw method
5. Methods of teaching creativity

11 - forms theoretical knowledge about linguistics as part of philology - the science of linguistic activity, the nature, various aspects and specifics of the theoretical aspect of linguistics;
22 - gets acquainted with the content of the main directions, movements, schools, concepts and theories of modern linguistics; the principles of the structure of language and the theory of language as the central methodological problems of all modern science;
33 - develops skills of professional theoretical and linguistic thinking; learns to perceive the theoretical aspect of linguistics in a historical context;
44 - perform all types of speech activities that carry out oral and written forms of speech communication: read, write, speak, listen;
55 - communicate freely in a language environment and effectively uses various dictionaries;
66 - perform oral written and extralinguistic forms of communicative speech activity using modern information and pedagogical technologies;
77 - analyzes and demonstrates alternative translation in the context of intercultural communication, technology, types of oral and written translation;
88 - analyzes literary research in the field of literary criticism and philology and linguistic phenomena of a foreign language;
99 - discusses and analyzes foreign literature and Kazakh literature at the plot and motivated level;
1010 - performs literary and stylistic analysis of the work;
1111 - uses the basic principles, directions and ideas of literature, methods of teaching foreign languages and literature, modern methods and modern technologies in their teaching;
1212- шығармаға әдеби және стилистикалық талдау жасау іскерлігін жүзеге асырады;
1313- әдебиеттің, шетел тілін және әдебиетін оқыту әдістемесінің негізгі принциптері, бағыттары мен идеяларын және оларды оқытуда жаңаша әдістер мен заманауи технологияларды қолданады.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Thackeray W. Vanity Fair
2I. V. Goethe “Faust” - the problem of the evolution of poetics in the literature of the Enlightenment
3Balzac O. Father Goriot
4Sherlock Holmes played by Arthur Conan Doyle in Incident at the Boarding School.
5B. Brecht’s work “Mother Courage and Her Children.”
6Works of Shakespeare
7Shakespeare's Sonnets
8'Gargantua and Pantagruel' by F. Rabelais
9Ernest Hemingway 'A Farewell to Arms'
10'Tristan and Isolde'.
11The plot of 'The Song of Roland'.
12'Decameron' by G. Boccaccio
13O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
14'Mrs. Warren's Profession' by B. Shaw
15'Don Quixote' by Cervantes
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1History of foreign literature. Middle Ages. Renaissance (separate publication).
2XVII century. History of foreign literature (Z.I. Plavsky ed. Boy. Any edition)
3XVIII century. History of foreign literature (Z.I. Plavsky ed. Boy. Any edition)
4XIX century. History of foreign literature (Z.I. Plavsky ed. Boy. Any edition)
5Bakhtin M.M. Creativity of Rabelais and folk culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. M., 2019.
6History of foreign literature (Ed. by Z. I. Plavsky. Boy. Any edition)
7Kutuzov N.I. Romance literature. M., 2016