Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
Ebe 4367 Obstetrics төртінші курс 6 180 - 25 -
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh
1. Nurkhasimova Raushan Gabbasovna 2.Khudaybergenova Saltanat Satybaldievna 3. Zulpukharov Asatulla Zhumanuly 4. Kushkarova Aigerim Alimkhankyzy 5. Torgauytova Zhansaya Ermuratovna 6. Iskakova Gulnara Shakhzidaevna 7. Ryskeldieva Kenzhegul Zhanysbaevna

Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the diagnosis and management of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, diagnosis, assistance and prevention of common obstetric and gynecological pathologies.

Polyclinic Obstetrics and Gynecology


Practical classes: oral analysis, performing situational tasks, consolidating practical skills: performing practical work included in the curriculum, effective feedback on mastering competencies, MCQ, PAL, SAQ, SGL, TaskBL.

    Independent work of students with a teacher (IWSwT): in-depth study of issues discussed in previous practical classes, topics for independent study and consultation with the teacher on emerging issues.

    Independent work of students (IWS): independent study of the specified topics, carried out in the form of practice, work with computer models and programs, preparation of presentations and abstracts, work in small groups, work with additional literature, independent solution of test tasks, preparation and defense of scientific abstracts.

     The form of control and the amount of time for students with disabilities, the criteria for assessing learning outcomes can be changed by the teacher of the discipline

1Applies the knowledge acquired in prerequisites in mastering this subject and the principles of organizing obstetric and gynecological services in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the principles of regionalization of the provision of obstetric and gynecological care to pregnant and gynecological patients;
2Delivers presentations with precision. Work with educational and additional literature, with literature on electronic media and on the Internet, prepare a presentation.
3Knowledge in interviewing pregnant and gynecological patients, examining pregnant and gynecological patients, drawing up a plan for examining pregnant and gynecological patients, interpreting research results, identifying risk factors during pregnancy and childbirth, diagnosing the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth.
4Accurately performs the following skills: collect anamnesis from pregnant and gynecological sick women, interview, objective examination, teach the postpartum mother breastfeeding techniques, advise postpartum women on methods of postpartum contraception, including the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), assess the condition of the newborn using Apgar, assess integrity of the placenta and blood loss during childbirth.
5In action and behavior he understands values and organizes correctly.
6Clearly implements effective methods of communication with the patient, his relatives, colleagues and other medical personnel.
7Able to negotiate the meanings of communication skills principles. Knowledge in interviewing pregnant and gynecological sick women, examining pregnant and gynecological patients
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1System for organizing obstetric and gynecological care. Reproductive health protection. Family planning. Dispensary observation of pregnant and postpartum women.
2Methods for studying the condition of the fetus. The role of antenatal clinics in antenatal fetal care
3Physiology of pregnancy. Methods for studying pregnant women.
4Bleeding during pregnancy, premature abruption of a normally located placenta, placenta previa.
5Early toxicoses. Hypertension associated with pregnancy.
6Extragenital pathology and pregnancy.
7Pathology of the fetoplacental system: FPN, oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios
8Miscarriage. Premature pregnancy. Rhesus-conflict pregnancy
9Physio-psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbirth. Ensuring a safe pregnancy according to WHO recommendations. Physiological birth
10Management of childbirth. Pain relief for childbirth. Providing obstetric assistance during childbirth. Safe birth. Newborn examination
11Obstetric operations
12Narrow pelvis. Obstetric traumatism.
13Anomalies of labor.
14Premature birth. Premature and prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid
15Incorrect positions and presentations of the fetus. Breech presentation of the fetus.
16Obstetric bleeding during childbirth and the afterbirth period.
17Physiology of the postpartum period. Hygiene and diet of postpartum women. Asepsis and antisepsis of the postpartum department.
18Lactation, breastfeeding. Purulent-septic complications of postpartum women and newborns.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Textbook. Obstetrics. Ed. V.E. Radzinsky, A.M. Fuchs Textbook. – M.: GEOTAR – Media, 2016 – 656 p.
2Textbook. Gynecology, “Spetslit” 2013 E.K.Aylamazyan
3National leadership. Obstetrics. Ailamazyan E.K., Serova V.N., Radzinsky V.E., Savelevoy G.M. – M.: GEOTAR – Media, 2015. – 656 s.
4National leadership. Gynecology. 2015 Geotar Media. Savelevoy G.M., G.T.Sukhikh., I.B.Manukhina