Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
EB 2266 Environmental biogeography Екінші курс 5 150 1 1 -
Course Descriptions
Sunakbayeva Dilara Kakharovna

The purpose of the discipline is to teach priorities at different stages of the development of ecology, the place and role of man in the biosphere, landscapes subjected to anthropogenic transformation, the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. Ecological biogeography includes the geography of microorganisms, plant geography, plant Association geography, animal geography, and general geography of organisms.

Structure and evolution of the biosphere

Ecology of animals and plants

Teamwork, work in pair, learning and study, narration, exchange of views, discussion.

11-Be able to systematize biogeographic concepts and concepts about the diversity of organisms on the planet, know the floral and conceptual zoning.
22-Processes and phenomena occurring in animate and inanimate nature, consider their relationship and interdependence.
33-Describes and explains the stages of development of the science of the distribution of organisms.
44-Knowledge and standardization, knowledge of the formation and development of the area, biocenoses and biogeocenoses.
55-Will have an understanding of Biological Diversity and its protection in different geographic regions.
66-Environmental Science in human life, social problems they form their own ideas about their role in solving problems.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1History of the development of Biogeographyпрезентация
2Biocenosis, biogeocenosis and ecological systems the concepts ofпрезентация
3Energy of ecological systems. Division of ecological systems into blocksпрезентация
4Factors affecting the distribution of organismsЖазбаша
5Formation of areals. Types of arealsСөздік
6Principles of biogeographic zoning and methods, basic biotaАуызша және жазбаша
7Evergreen Equatorial and tropical forests. Seasonal tropical forestsпрезентация
9Desert, semi-desert areasпрезентация
10Subtropical forests. Field. Perius. Pampatest
11Broad-leaved and mixed forests. Coniferous pine forestsАуызша
13Biocenosis of Highlands biomes and biomes of islandsпрезентация
14Biogeography of Kazakhstanпрезентация
15Biogeographic aspect of Nature Conservationпрезентация
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
11. A. K. Baeshova. Ecology and sustainable development. Training manual. Almaty, 2013.
22. Akbasova A. Zh., Sainova G. A. Ecology workshop. Almaty, 2014.
33. S. zh. Columbayeva and Dr. Ecology and sustainable development. 'I don't know,' he said. Almaty, 2020.
44.D. Phoenix, V. I. Korobkin, L. V. Peredelsky. Ecology. Учebnik. Izd. 16-E. Ball.and pererab. Rostov-on-Don- Don. 2015.
55. F. Zhandauletova. Environmental risk management. Educational and methodical manual. Almaty. 2016.
66. Meirbekov A. T., Ibragimova E. K. Geoecology. Textbook, publishing house 'NURPRESS', Almaty, 2018
77. V. V. Bratkov, I. N. Ovdienko. Geoecology / Textbook. - Almaty: higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Association, 2014.