Information Processing and Data Visualization
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
DBSHUDMN 3209 Basics Of 3D Modeling For 3D Printing Үшінші курс 5 150 1 2 2
Course Descriptions
PhD N.M.Zhunissov

The purpose of this course is to master the skills of using a software product for 3D modeling and 3D printing. Teach students how to create 3D models, integrate the control code, calibrate a 3D printer, and put into practice all the basic tools, techniques, and techniques of 3D modeling.


Computer graphics

Narrative, exchange of views, discussion, problem methods.

1Students get acquainted with information about three-dimensional graphics and 3D printing devices and explain the laws of development.
2Independently analyzes the technologies and ways of training information technical means.
3Summarizes knowledge about the features of teaching technologies and ways when planning and conducting classes.
4Can configure and control graphic applications and devices for the use of 3D modeling programs.
5Objectively assesses the knowledge, skills and abilities of students using the methods and techniques of modern 3D modeling training programs.
6Three-dimensional graphics apply knowledge about the characteristics of graphic devices in establishing interaction with applications.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Introduction to three-dimensional graphics.The history of three-dimensional graphics. Acquaintance with 3D modeling programs.
2Areas of application of 3-dimensional graphics and its purpose. Demonstration of the capabilities of 3-dimensional graphics.
3Programs for 3D modeling: Blender, Autodesk, 3D-max.
4Creating and working with objects.
5Blender. The beginning. Creating and restoring the last session.
6Transformation. Snowmen.
7Modeling. Repeat objects. Accounts,deskandperformance.
8Juggling objects in a blender feat.
9In the blender areprimitives. Learn Blender hotkeys with one mouse.
10Camera. Acquaintance with Blender camera. Let's see through the eyes of the camera.
11Beauty In Space. Learning to see correctly when 3D modeling in Blender.
12Realtime simulation in Blender. Working with arrays.
13Basics of creating splines Creation of three-dimensional objects based on splines. Lathe Modifier. Bevel Modifier.
14Creation of the most popular kr-57 diamond. Cutting and cutting tools.
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Кескінді анимациялық өңдеу бағдарламасы. Оқу құралы. [Текст] / Ә. Т. Баялы, М. К. Абылова, Н. Жүнісов. - Кентау : ХҚТУ, 2020
2Кескінді анимациялық өңдеу бағдарламасы. Түркістан 2020. Ә. Баялы. Н.Жунисов
3Основы компьютерного моделирования. Учебно-методическмй комплекс. Алматы 2021. Г. А. Тюлепбердинова, Н. А. Тойганбаева, А. Б. Жусупова
4Орланд, П.Математические алгоритмы для программистов. 3D-графика, машинное обучение и моделирование на Python. - СПб.: Питер, 2023. - 752 - (Серия «Библиотека программиста»). -ISBN 978-5-4461-2287-5