Philology: Kazakh Philology
Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
ChKDKCS 3222 Complex Sentences Syntax of Modern Kazakh Language Үшінші курс 3 90 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Assoc.Prof. Koshanova N.D.

He knows the structure of the syntactic system of the language, the work of this system on communications; analyzes and analyzes his knowledge of the syntactic system. Theoretical knowledge about the phrase combination of the modern Kazakh language, a simple sentence, complex syntactic communication, text syntax is demonstrated in the syntactic analysis of language data, language analysis skills are formed. The knowledge gained on the subject of simple and complex syntax of the modern Kazakh language helps in the implementation of scientific works. Syntax. The syntax of regularity. The structure of the offer. Multi-structured offers. The nature of a complex sentence. Grammatical, semantic character. The principle of recognizing grammatical forms of compound sentences.  The principle of grouping compound sentences as contiguous, contiguous. A compound sentence. Grammatical types. The principle of their grouping by type. A coherent compound sentence. Grammatical character of an adjacent compound sentence. Signs that clearly indicate adjacent complex sentences. Multicomponent offers.  Grammatical, semantic types.

Scientific word formation of the modern Kazakh language

Syntax of a complex sentence of the modern Kazakh language

1. The method of working with the group.
2. The method of language analysis.
3. the method of critical thinking.
4. the method of brainstorming.
5. the method of structural analysis 
6. the method of developing learning 
7. the method of increasing professionalism.

1knows the theory of the subject syntax of the modern Kazakh language;
2practically applies the knowledge and skills acquired on the subject of the syntax of a complex sentence of the modern Kazakh language
3is able to sort scientific information; proves his point of view on the science of the syntax of the modern Kazakh language based on the appeal to ideas
4Uses knowledge, methods and means of training and self-control for their intellectual development, cultural development, professional competence, health, moral and physical self-improvement;
5Is able to plan the educational process and apply the methodology and basic theories of education in its implementation
6Understands the social significance and meaning of his profession
7can determine the theoretical foundations of the modern Kazakh language, its place in the system of general education sciences
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
11. week Theoretical Introduction. Syntax. Patterns of syntax. The structure of the offer. Multi-structured offers.Ауызша
22. week Theoretical Sentence-syntactic form, grammatical, semantic characterАуызша
33. week Theoretical Linguistic – grammatical techniques linking the components of a complex sentenceАуызша
44. week Theoretical The principle of recognizing grammatical types of complex sentences. Compound sentence.Ауызша
55. week Theoretical Contrasted and causal compound sentences, their grammatical characterАуызша
66. week Theoretical Grammatical, functional nature of related compound sentences, grammatical, semantic groups of related sentences.Сөздік
77. week Theoretical Related composed sentences expressing reasons and conditions, their grammatical characterСөздік
88. week Theoretical Related compound sentences expressing determinative and objective relations, their grammatical characterАуызша
99. week Theoretical Related compound sentences expressing equal relations, their grammatical characterАуызша
1010. week Theoretical Grammatical nature of related complex sentences. Methods of connecting components of adjacent compound sentences.Сөздік
1111. week Theoretical The principle of recognizing the types of complex sentences. Compound sentences formed with the participation of participle forms.Ауызша
1212. week Theoretical Compound sentences formed with the participation of a conditional verb, and their semantic, grammatical characterАуызша
1313. week Theoretical Compound sentences involving the form of the adverbial verb and their semanticsАуызша
1414. week Theoretical Multicomponent compound sentences.Сөздік
1515. week Theoretical The specifics of the organization of a complex sentence in accordance with the communicative requirementsСөздік
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Qoşanova N. Qazirgi qazaq tiliniñ jay söylem sïntaksïsi. Oqu quralı, Türkistan, 2018
2Qazirgi qazaq tilindegi sïntaksïstik paradïgmalar. – Almatı: Memlekettik tildi damıtw ïnstïtutı, 2016
3Qoşanova N. Qazirgi qazaq tilindegi turaqtı tirkesterdiñ sïntaksïstik qızmeti. Oqu quralı. Türkistan, 2017
4Jılqıbaeva M.S. Qazirgi qazaq tiliniñ sïntaksïsi. Oqu quralı, Almatı: «Évero», 2022