Lesson Code Course Name Class Credit Lesson Time Weekly Lesson Hours (Theoretical) Weekly Lesson Hours (Practice) Weekly Class Hours (Laboratory)
BN1233 Forms of Biotechnology Екінші курс 5 150 1 2 0
Course Descriptions
Russian, Kazakh

The purpose of the discipline is to master the basic forms of biotechnology: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, plant, animal and human cells, the theoretical foundations of the structure of substances and molecules of biological origin. As a result of mastering the discipline, the classification of biotechnological objects and their functional features are formed, the ability to apply methods of cultivation of microbial cells in the form of physiologically active substances obtained in the creation of target products and genetically modified organisms.


Fundamentals of Biotechnology

 1. working in a group

 2 Brainstorming

 3. Exchange of views

 4. Critical thinking

1LO4-demonstrates the ability to practically apply processes and phenomena, patterns, mechanisms of processes at the cellular and tissue levels, mastering the characteristics and concepts of biotechnological objects.
2LO 5-improves the relationship between the biochemical function and the molecular structure of substances in a living organism, as well as the molecular mechanisms of replication, transcription, DNA translation, skills in organizing and performing laboratory experiments to identify gene changes.
Haftalık KonuEvaluation Method
1Classification of biotechnological equipment. biotechnology and microbiological characteristics of products.
2Additional equipment used in biotechnology
3Pumps 1. centrifugal pumps 2. pump pumps 3.Rotor pumps
4Decontamination air decontamination equipment
5Equipment for air disinfection
6Equipment for extraction, compression, filtration and flotation
7Equipment for culti ating microorganisms in a solid culture medium (CFCD)
8Enzymators for obtaining microbiological synthesis
9Enzymators that carry out non-neutralized processes of cultivization of microorganisms
10Equipment for disconnecting liquid heterogeneous system in Centrifugal field
11Separators used in biotechnology
12Equipment for concentration cleaning of a mixture of biologically active substances
13Devices for belting solutions of biological active substances (EPZ)
14Equipment for drying products of microbiological production
15Equipment for crushing, standardization, granulation microcapsulation
Relationship between the Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
Textbook / Material / Recommended Resources
1Bıotehnologıa nysandary. Oqý quraly. G.I.Isaev, A.T. Mýsabekov , E. K. Ibragımova. - Túrkistan : Turan, 2021.
2Bıotehnologıa nysandary: Oqý ádistemelik quraly/ Ǵ.I.Isaev, A.T. Mýsabekov, E.K. Ibragımova.- Túrkistan, 'Turan' baspasy, 2021. - 129 bet
3Bıotehnologıa. Oqý quraly. [Tekst] / Á. N. Halıla, M. J. Beısebaev, T. A. Júnisov. - Shymkent : Otyrar, 2015
4Bıotehnologıadaǵy qazirgi ádister. Oqý quraly / S. S. Kenjebaeva. - Almaty : Qazaq ýn-ti, 2019
5Taǵam jáne bıotehnologıalyq óndiristeriniń mıkrobıologıalyq negizderi: J. T. Lesova jáne t.b. Oqýlyq. / Almaty, 2013.